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Date Posted: 20:47:52 01/09/06 Mon
Author: KatRose
Subject: There are actually a couple of versions going on right now. The one I saw was done in Iceland by a Canadian company with UK and Icelandic money. It hasn't found a US distributor yet. That's the one that stars Gerard Butler. There's another one, set to open 2007, that Warner Bros and Paramount are joint producing. That one stars Ray Winstone as Beowulf and Crispin Glover as Grendel with Anthony Hopkins, Angelina Jolie and John Malovich doing their part.
In reply to: C 's message, "I had heard that they were doing Beowulf, but haven't seen anything about it. It must not be running in our movie circle out here. I also want to see King Kong but am having the same problem--that and my movie buddy isn't really dying to see it, but she'll go because I want to go. I hate to make her sit through it. Maybe this weekend, with the day off!" on 17:34:08 01/09/06 Mon

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[> [> [> [> OOps, forgot to add that this is supposed to a motion capture type of film (sorta like Polar Express). -- KatRose, 20:49:35 01/09/06 Mon [1]

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