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Date Posted: 20:10:05 09/24/07 Mon
Author: Lady C
Subject: You write the story Part 2. Use these emoticons in any order. Come up with a quikie story.

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[> Ferd, the avid fisherman, went out on his boat to see what he could catch. All he seemed to pull in was empty soda cans and computer parts, so he went home and watched some old eps of The Flintstones...his favorit character was their pet Dino the Dinosaur. -- Lady C ...ok, so it's not Shakespeare but at least it's a effort., 22:20:59 09/30/07 Sun [1]

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[> Once upon a time Buckley, a pudgy orange horse of mysterious heritage, went clip clopping thru a beautiful yellow field sprinkled with majestic Giant Red Doctor Pepper Can trees. “My,” he mused, “these Giant Red Doctor Pepper Can Trees must have been here since the SIXTIES! No wonder they’re so tall!” Suddenly he stumbled upon a computer... obviously pre-laptop. “I must have stepped thru a TIME PORTAL!” he thought. “My lands! Look at the extension cord on that thing! Oooo.... I hope I can get this stuff home and sell it on e-bay! I’ll make a mint!” With that he began to pick up the ancient computer, only to be met by a grumpy wind up toy. “Hands off, BUB!” shouted the angry little fellow, “before I get Zurg over there to come -- whack you a good one!” “Me whackum good!” echoed Zurg happily, thunking his stick up and down with delight. “Zurg whackum whackum whackum!” he, 23:09:53 10/02/07 Tue [1]

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[> [> continued. “That’s what Zurg do. Zurg WHACKUMS!” “Okie dokie then,” said Buckley, taking a big step backward. “I think I hear someone over at the DuckyBoard calling me.” And with that he bid adieu to Zurg and the angry little wind up fellow, the beautiful yellow fields and the giant majestic red doctor pepper can trees. He was however able to nab the ancient computer on the way out, sell it on e-bay, and is now a rich horse residing in Beverly Hills. He is often seen floating around in his pool with “Flicka”, sipping carrot cocktails. The end. -- Luoodles, 23:12:00 10/02/07 Tue [1]

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[> [> [> Hey! Now that my sllllllooooooow dial up computer has finally finished loading, I see my wind up toy guy is actually a hammer guy. Before my 'pooter finished loading and got the animation it looked like he had a wind up thingy sticking out of his head. I see "Zurg" w/ the stick looks like he's dancing nad the horse is actually moving. Oh well. I suppose I'll have to revise my story! LOL! -- Luoodles.. I need CABLE or HIGH SPEED or... something. Actually, I think I just need to go to bed. Night night, folks. Play nice!, 23:18:40 10/02/07 Tue [1]

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