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Date Posted: Thu, Aug 03 2006, 1:45pm PDT
Author: Charlie
Subject: I can see you now - you treat me good and I'll treat you good - we've been driving like there is no end just take it slow - we're almost there..

He had filed away information from more parenting books than he cared to recall in the last few weeks and while he was still confused about what pregnant women could and could not do, he figured coming down to the green to watch the fireworks across the river couldn't hurt her too much. They'd brought the dogs as well, being across the river from the fireworks dampened the noise so it didn't bother them so they were stretched out on a checkered blanket on the grass in the dark, flanked by two rather intimidating looking dogs (well, Hugo when it was dark anyways!), waiting for the fireworks to begin. He had an arm wound around her waist, supporting her against his side, his long legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles in front of him, sighing contentedly.

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