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Date Posted: Tue, Aug 28 2007, 3:59pm PDT
Author: Portia
Subject: >>
In reply to: Kier 's message, "inside" on Tue, Aug 28 2007, 3:40pm PDT

She hadn;t ever been much for the size zero- she liked to look just as good naked as she did in clothes- not that many people really got to appreciate that. She grinned as he called her a minx- it was fun to be flirting again- she seemed to spend so much of her time concentrating on not flirting so as not to give guys the wrong impression, that it was a but of a relief- and also very exciting- to be flirting with a hot guy that she really liked. "I think you're enjoying it a little bit" She countered with a coy grin, tipping her head to him pointedly as she let Maliik down to splash in the shallow water. She let her head tip into his a little as his mouth came close to her ear, a little grin tugging infectiously at her lips. It was a lie to say that she hadn;t been thinking about being with him ever since that night at the charity event, it had played on her mind more and more each time she saw him- and it had been a long time for her too- probably longer for her than it had been for him. "How do you think Summer would feel about a sleepover?" She murmured in response- turning her head slightly to look up at him with those encapsulating golden brown eyes of hers. Her lower lip tucked almost coyly between her lips as she watched him for his reply, letting the back of her fingers graze over his abs in a feather light touch.

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