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Date Posted: 11:36:16 02/12/03 Wed

Date re Posted: 15:08:51 06/23/02 Sun

Welcome to United Prayer Question And Answer Page! We
have some difficult Bible questions that are asked and a
regular basics, Here are the answer to some of these questions, they are answered according to the Bible our only guide. Ask the Lord to guide and direct you, as you study.

Study to shew yourself approved unto God, a workman that
needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
Psalms 119:105

And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures,
which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith
which is in Christ Jesus 2 Timothy 3:15

Q. Is God's Law and Moses Law the same?

A. No, they are not the same, Moses law was the temporary,
ceremonial law of the Old Testament. It regulated the
priesthood, sacrifices, rituals, meat and drinks offerings, etc all
of which foreshadow the cross. This law was added " till the
seed should come and that seed was Christ. Galatians 3:16, 19.
The ritual and ceremony of Moses' law pointed forward to
Christ sacrifice, when Christ died, this law came to an end, but
the Ten Commandments (God's Law) "stand for ever and ever
Psalms 111:8

Q. What kind of bodies will people have in God's new

A. The Bible says the redeem will have bodies like that of
Jesus Philippians 3:32 Luke 24: 36-43

Q. What the bible says about how the lost will react at Jesus
Second coming?

A. The Bible says they will cry to the mountains and rocks, fall
on us, and hide us From the face of him that sitteth on the
throne. Rev 6:16-17

Q. What kind of body does Jesus has?

A. He has body of flesh and bones. After the resurrection
Jesus appeared to His disciples And demonstrated that He was
not a ghost". Luke:24:49-51

Q. Is all of the Bible inspired?

A. " All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is
profitable for doctrines, for reproof, for correction, for
instruction in righteousness" 2 Timothy 3:16

Q. Are there any errors in the Bible?

A. There are no errors in the Bible,there are errors of
judgement or lack of understanding On the part of those who
make the complaint. The truth is misunderstood.

*The inspired Bible will always tell the truth.
* Will never mislead you.
* Can be fully trusted.

Q. Is there ever a time when prayer is not helpful?

A. If a person knowingly disobey God Psalms 66:18 and yet
ask God to bless him though he does not plan to change, that
person's prayer is not only worthless but God said it is an
abomination Proverbs 28:9

Q. How can someone grieve the Holy spirit?

A. A person can grieve the holy spirit by rejecting of His
loving appeals.

Q. Did God change any of His Law?

A. No! God did not change any of his laws, but He predicted
that there would be such a change in scriptures! In describing
the antichrist in Daniel 7:25 God said it would " think to
change times and laws.

Q. What are the greatest dangers of christian today?

A. Among the greatest dangers are divided loyalties. Many
christian have two love that divide the heart: love for Jesus,
and love for the world and its sinful practices and pleasures.

Q. Aren't christian standards culture shouldn't they change
with the times?

A. Assuredly! Jesus said a true christian is a light Matthew
5:15 He also said " let your light so shine before men"
Matthew 5:16.

Q. What does the Bible say about judging and condemning
each other?

A. Judge not that he be not judged" Matthew 7:1-2 Romans
2:1 John 5:22

Q. If I accept Christ and His forgiveness and then fall again
will he forgive me again?

A. We can trust God to forgive us again if we are sorry for our
sin and confess it 1 John 1:9

Q. How can I approach God in my sinful condition?

A. Since Jesus Christ lived in the flesh and was " tempted like
as we are" Heb 4:15 We have a God who can understand and
who desire to be merciful. Heb 4:16

Q. Is there anything I can do to help God save me?

A. No! His plan is wholly of grace Romans 3:24; 4:5 it is the
gift of God." Eph 2:8

Q. What happens when a church does not have a prophet ?

A. When a church does not have a prophet to council, guide,
and lead it back to Jesus and the bible, the people will flounder
in a disoriented manner psalms 74:9 and eventually perish.
Where there is no vision the people perish: but he that keepeth
the law, happy is he" proverbs 29:18

Q. Is there really a serious danger that professed christian
people will caught off guard and lost when Jesus comes?

A. Yes! Jesus made that point crystal clear. He warns of
several things that will trap and destroy christians. Luke 21:34
Mark 13:34-36

Q. What does the word church means?

A. The word " church" is translated from the Greek word
"ecclesia" which means " called-out ones" Jesus people are
called out of the world and Babylon into His precious fold of

Q. Should I remain in spiritual Babylon and try to reform her
instead of come out?

A. No. Jesus says Babylon is to be destroy, not reformed, she
will become hopelessly drunk with her wine meaning false
doctorine. In Rev 18:5-6 it is for this reason He calls His
people out Rev 18:4

Q. When call out of Babylon where should a christian go?

A. Find the church that are keeping all of God's
commandments and are teaching, and preaching the whole
bible not adding or taking away from. " Jesus is the same
yesterday, today and forever, He never change neighter or His
words. Hebrews 13:8.

Q. What is the battle of armageddon spoken of in Rev
16:12-16 when and where will it be fought?

A. The battle of armageddon is the final battle between Christ
and satan, it will be fought on the earth, just before the end of
time. Rev 20:9

Q. But since God created Lucifer Isn't He really responsible
for his sin?

A. Not at all! God created Lucifer a perfect, sinless angel,
Lucifer make a devil of himself.

Q. Why didn't God destroy the devil, when He sinned and end
the sin problem?

A. Because sin was something new in God's universe, and its
inhabitants did not understand it.

Q. Didn't the thief on the cross go to paradise with Christ when
he died?

A. Christ was offering him assurance that today, you will be
with me in paradise" Christ kingdom is set up at His second
coming Matthew 25:31 and all the righteous of all ages will
enter at that time 1 thess 4:15-17 not at death.

Q. Doesn't the bible speak of the undying immortal soul?

A. No! The undying immortal soul is not mention in the bible.
The word "immortal" is found only once in the bible, and it is
in reference to God. 1 Timothy 1:17

Q. Doesn't 1 Peter 4:6 says the gospel was preached to dead

A. No, it says the gospel was preach to those who "are dead.
They are dead now, but the gospel was preach to them while
they were yet living.

Q. Doesn't the Bible say in 1 John 2:18-22 that there are many

A. Yes! There are many Antichrist down through history who
have work against the kingdom of God. In Daniel chapter 7
and 8 and Rev chapter 13, you will find at least 10 identifying
traits of the Antichrist.

Q. In prophecy what does the word Beast means?

A. God uses the symbolism of beast to signify a ruler, nation,
government or kingdom it is His way of depicting governments
in prophecy.

Q. Doesn't the Bible speak of eternal torment?

A. No! The phrase "Eternal torment" doesn't appear in the

Q. Doesn't Matthew 25:46 says the wicked will receive
everlasting punishment?

A. Notice the word punishment not punishing. Punishing
would be continuos, while punishment of the wicked is death,
and this death is everlasting.

Q. Matthew 25:41 speak of everlasting fire for the wicked
Does it go out?

A. Yes! According to the Bible the fire does go out. We must
let the Bible explain itself. Sodom Gomorrah were destroyed
with everlasting, or eternal, fire Jude 7, the fire went out after
everything was burned up. Likewise everlasting fire will go out
after it has turned the wicked to ashes Malachi 4:3. The effects
of the fire are everlasting, but not the burning itself.

Q. Wasn't Jesus speaking of the secret rapture when he said
one shall be taken, and
the other left. Luke 17:36

A. No! There is not the slightest indication that the event is
secret. Jesus was describing
Noah's flood and the destruction of Sodom. See Luke 17:26-37
He told how God spared
Noah and Lot and destroy the wicked.

Q. Will every person on earth be reach with the gospel?

A. Yes! It will happen because God promised it. Mark 16:15
Colossian 1:23 Jonah 3:4-10, Romans 9:28

Q. Will any be los t who truly think they are saved?

A. Yes! Matthew 7:21-23 make it clear that many who
prophecy, cast out devils, and do many wonderful works in
Christ name will be lost but think they are saved. Christ say
they will be lost because they did not do the will of His father
in heaven. Those who refuse to obey God will end up
believing a lie. 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12

Q. Does a person have to be educated to understand the Bible?

A. No! Even the simplest can understand it if surrender to the
Lord. Psalms 19:7; 119:130, Matthew 11:25

Q. Should infant be baptized?

A. No! No one should be baptized unless he knows the truth of
God, believe it, has repented And has experience conversion.
So no baby could possible be qualify here.

Q. How old should one be to be baptized?

A. Old enough to understand the difference between rong
doing and right doing, and to make an intelligent decision to
surrender to Christ and follow Him.

Q. Will heaven the earth of the saved be on earth?

A. That is correct. Although the holy city is now in God's
dwelling place, he is going to move it to this earth, sin and
sinners will be destroy with fire and the earth will be made
new. See Rev 21:2 3; 22:1, 31 and live with the righteous right
here on this earth throughout eternity.

Q. What is the best way to renew your mind when you ‘ve
fallen away from God?

A. The crucial thing we must do to renew our relationship with
Christ is maintain a regular daily devotional life. In order to
become and remains, close to God, you need to read your
Bible and pray daily. Don't loose the habit of regularly feeding
your soul on the word of God. Psalm 119:105

Q. Explain 2 Corinthians 5:8 on being absent from the body
but present with the Lord?

A. Paul speak about being cardinally-minded and
spiritual-minded. Paul was also hinting That when we are
absent from the body, meaning that we are not living for the
flesh, We are then living for the spirit.

Q. In Matthew 4:6 did satan tempt Christ to commit sucide?

A. The three temptations Jesus faced encompass every
temptation that any of us face 1 John 2:16 there are three
basic temptations; the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, And
the pride of life. Eve and adam fell in those three areas; Christ
overcame in those three areas, we are all tempted by thess
three things.

Q. Is apostle Peter in charge of the gate of the holy city?

A. No ! The Bible says in Rev 21:12 that the new jersalem- the
holy city of God has 12 gates and at the 12 gates are 12 angels.
No refrences is made in the bible as to any of the apostle as
guardians of the gate.

Q. Since there is only one right way, what will happen to
sincere people who truly think They are right?

A. Jesus says that he will call them to His way, and His true
sheep will hear and follow. John 10:16, 27

Q. Why do God required obedience? And why is it necessary?

A. Because straight is the gate and narrow is the way, which
leadeth unto life and few Ther be that find it. Matthew 7:14
Proverbs 8:36 Duet 6:24 All road does not lead to The same
place. The Bible is the map and guidebook with full
instructions, warnings And information on how to safely reach
the kingdom. To disregard any part of it leads away from God
and hid kingdom.

Q. How many lost soul are been punished in hell today?

A. There is not one single soul in hellfire today. The Bible says
that God reserves or hold back, the wicked until the day of
judgement to be punished. 2 Peter 2:9

Q. How can we be safe from powerful deceiption?

A. * Test every teaching by the Bible 2 Timothy 2:15, Acts
17:11, Isaiah 8: 19-20
* Follow truth as Jesus reveals it. Jesus promises that those
who do His will never End up in errors. John 15:5
* Stay close to Jesus daily.

Q. What happen to Lucifer's life that led him to sin? What
blasphemous sin did he commit?

A. Pride, jealousy, discontent, and self-exaltation arose in his
life. Lucifer decided to attempt to unseat God and then
demand that all worship him. It was treason of the worst kind.
Ezekiel 28:17 Isaiah 14;13-14

Q. What lies did satan tell Eve to deceive her?

A. Satan use a serpent the wisest, most appealing animal God
made -to deceive Eve Genesis 3:14 John 8:44

Q. What is the end result of sin?

A. The wages of sin is death, not everlasting life in hellfire.
The wicked " punish or receive " death " The righteous
everlasting life.

Q. Who will be on the Lord side in the battle of Armageddon?

A. In this final battle, the angels of heaven Hebrews 1:13,14,
Matthew 13:41,42, and God's people- the remnant Rev 12:17-
will allied with Jesus, who leads the armies to heaven Rev
19:11-16 against satan and his supporter.

Q. What is the sin that God cannot forgive?

A. The sin that God cannot forgive is " blashemy against the
Holy Ghost.

Q. Who makes the final complete eradication of sin from the
universe a certainty?

A. Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus made the
eradication of sin a certainty. Romans 14:11, Philippians 2:10,
Isaiah 45:23 Nahum 1:9

Q. What is satan present headquarters ? How does he feels
about it?

A. Contary to popular opinion, satan's headquarters is the
earth, not hell. God gave Adam and Eve dominion over the
earth Genesis 1:26. When they sinnned, they lost it to satan
Romans 6:16. Satan bitterly hates humans, who were created
in God's image. He cannot touch God so he goes after people
who are serving Him. See Rev 12:12, Job 2:2, John 12:31

Q. Will the devil be in charge of hell?

A. Absolutely not ! The devil will be cast into the fire, and it
will turn him into ashes. Revelation 20:10, Ezekiel 28:18,18

Q. How big and how hot hellfire be ?

A. Hellfire will be just as the earth because it will be the earth
on fire. This fire will be so hot as to melt the earth and burn up
all " the works therein." 2 Peter 3:10

Q. What is God's real purpose in hellfire ?

A. God's purpose is to destroy the devil and all sin and sinners
and make the earth safe for all eternity. Matthew 25:41,
Revelation 20:15, Psalms 37:10,20

Q. Isn't the work of destroying sinners strange to God's nature?

A. Yes, the work of God has always been to save rather than
destroy. Jesus will be deeply sadden when He must destroy
those whom He died to save. Ezekiel 33:11, Luke 9:56, Isaiah

Q. What evidence of Bible inspiration is found in the lives of

A. The changed lives of those who follow Jesus and obey
scripture constitute the most heartwarming proof of Bible
inspiration. 2 Corinthians 5:17

Q. Do devils really work miracles ?

A. Yes, indeed! Devils work incredible miracles Revelation
13:13, 14, Satan and his angels will appear as angels of light 2
Corinthians 11:14 and even more shocking, as Christ himself.
Matthew 23-24, Revelation 16;14

Q. Can you explain John 11:26 which says, " whosoever liveth
and believeth in me shall never die?

A. This refers not to the first death, which all people die
Hebrews 9:27, but the second death which only the wicked die
and from which there is no resurrection Revelation 2:11; 21:8

Q. How powerful and effective are Satan's temptations and
strategies ?

A. Satan's success rate is so astoundingingly high that it seems
almost unbelievable. He deceived a third of the angels. In
Noah's day, all but eight people were deceived. Revelation
12:3-9, Matthew 7:21-23, Revelation 13:3, Matthew
7:14;22:14, Matthew 24:23-26

Q. By what prophetic symbol does Jesus represent His true
church ?

A. Jesus symbolizes His true, pure church as a pure woman
and apostate church as a harlot. Jeremiah 6:2, Isaiah 51:16, 2
Corinthians 11:2, Ephesians 5:22-23, Revelation 19:7-8

Q. What happens when a person dies?

A. The body turn to dust again, and the spirit goes back to
God, who gave it. The spirit of every person who dies whether
righteous or wicked returns to God at death.

Q. Do soul die?

A. According to God's word, soul do die ! We are soul and
soul do die. Man is mortal. Job 14:17 God alone is immortal 1
Timothy 6:15-16, Ezekiel 18:20 Revelation 16:3

Q. Isn't the great tribulation yet to come?

A. It is true that a terrible tribulation will cover the earth just
before Jesus returns to deliver His people. Daniel describes it
as time of trouble, such as never was. Daniel 12:1 Matthew

Q. What were the names of Adam and Eve's children?

A. Adam and Eve had many children, but the best known are
Cain, Abel and Seth Genesis 4:1-2, 25 For the genealogy of
Adam read Genesis chapter 5

Q. Who was the prophet that walked around 3 years naked?

A. Isaiah was the prophet that walked around naked for 3
years. Read Isaiah 20:2-3

Q. Why is it a sin to have sex before you are married?

A. Pre-marital sex is called fornication. In Ephesian 5:5 it says,
"For this you know, that no fornicator, unclean person, nor
covetous man, who is an idolator, has any inheritance in the
kingdom of Christ and God."

Q. Who were the Virgin Mary's Parent.? Did mary have
children with Joseph.? Was Jesus married? If so to whom ?
Who are Jesse and Elizabeth? Were they before or after Jesus

A. The Bible does not tell us who the Virgin Mary's parents
were. Mary did have children with Joseph. Their names were
James, Joses, Simon and Judas Matthew 13:55. Jesus never
married. Jesse was the Grandson of Ruth and Boaz. He was
father of King David 1 Samuel 16-17. Elizabeth was the wife
of Zechariah. She became pregnant with John the Baptist
before Mary became pregnant with Jesus. Mary and Elizabeth
were relatives Luke chapter 1. They both were before Jesus

Q. How did Noah finish the ark in seven days?

A. Noah didn't finish the Ark in seven days. In Genesis 6:3 it
tells us that it took him 120 years! you may ask, why so long?
well, God was allowing the people of Noah's day to change
their sinful ways in 120 years. they didn't so God flooded the

Q.How much does God know? How much does He sees and

A. God knows everything nothing is hidden from him Job
34:21 There is no word that He does not hear. Psalms 147:5
There is nothing that He does not see Psalms 139:7-10

Q. How long does God kindness and mercy endure?

A. God kindness is perpetual never ending Isaiah 54:10 His
mercy is likewise limitless Psalms 103:17

Q. What method did God use to create the universe?

A. By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; all the
host of them by the breath of his mouth. Psalms 33:6-9

Q. What did Christ death on the cross of Calvary accomplish?

A. He reconciled the world unto God 2 Cor 5:15. He paid the
price of sin He bridged the gulf that sin had made. After that
there was no excuse for anybody to be seperated from God

Q. What does God do with sins that have been confessed?

A. God said I have blotted out as a thick cloud, thy sins return
unto me; for I have redeemed thee, Isaiah 44:22-23 Psalms

Q. Who performed the first marriage cermony?

A. God performed the first marriage cermony, and gave away
the first bride. Genesis chapter 1 and 2.

Q. Who afflicted Job with boils and all his heart breaking

A. Satan went out from the presence of the Lord and afflicted
Job with painful sores from the soles of his feet to the top of
his head. Job 2:7

Q. What the Bible say about the dead?

A. For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know
not anything, neighter have they anymore rewards; for the
memory of them is forgotten. Ecclesiastes 9:5

Q. What evidence is there that the dead do not know what is
going on with the living?

A. " His sons comes to honour, and he knoweth it not."
Job 14:21

Q. What did Jesus say we are to do if someone comes and tells
us that Christ has appeared somewhere?

A. " Go not forth believe it not. " Matthew 24:26

Q. How do we know that christ won't show up in Hollywood,
or some secret hideaway?

A. " And they shall see the son of man coming in the clouds
with power and great glory. " Matthew 24:30

Q. How long Christ been in existence?

A. " I was with thee before the world was "
John 17:5 John 8:56-59

Q. How did paul describe the people who would be living
during earth last hour?

A. " Men shall be lovers of there ownselves, lovers of
pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness
" 2 Timothy 3:1-5

Q. Will the spirit indefinately plead with us ?

A. My spirit shall not always strive with man
Genesis 6:3

Q. How can a person be sure he knows God's will ?

A. If any man will do his will he shall know of the doctorine
John 7:17

Q. What were the first health laws?

A. As for food: herb bearing seed fruits of yielding seed for
As for exercise: to dress and keep the garden.
Genesis 1:29; 2:15-16

Q. What was the book of Revelations to reveal ?

A. things which must shortly come to pass Revelations 1:1

Q.What should be our attitude when we fall ?

A. When I fall I shall rise, when I sit in darkness the Lord
shall be a light unto me. Micah 7:8

Q. How does satan show that he has not changed during the

A. He went out to deceived the nations in the four quarters of
the Earth.
Revelations 20:8-9

Q. If the Resurrection of Jesus were not a fact, how would that
affect us.?

A. Our faith would be vain and we would still be in sin, and
those who are fallen asleep would perish. 1 Corinthians

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