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Date Posted: 09:37:36 08/09/02 Fri
Author: Madman
Author Host/IP: spider-loh-te072.proxy.aol.com /
Subject: 21 people will start, only one will be left

A camara man is outside the Boiler room, He takes a close look at the sign on the Boiler room door, the sign reads:


Just outside the door 2 big muscualr men stand there, they look at the camaraman, Each man is wearing a long white overall, and have one pocket on the left side of there overall. On the pocket it says property of Madhouse inc ....
Then they each have a name tag, it sys there name and then WATCHERS of MADMAN. The camaraman talks to one of the big guys.

CAMARAMAN: ERRR i was told by the boss that MADMAN has to say a little about his match, could you let me in.
MAN no.1: Your one crazy bastard you know that.
Man no.2: You want to go in you will get destroyed, he didn't get that name by playing nicely

CAMARAMAN: Yeah i know but im just doing my ..............

There is a banging on the door from the otherside and a weird freaky voice starts shouting.


Man No.1: You still want to go in there now.

The banging continues.

CAMARAMAN: I have to go in, bosses orders, isn't he restrained at all.
Man no.1: Does he really sound restrained, We will let you in, i open the door, he will kick madman down the stairs and you go in, once you go in though, dont expect to come out.

The camaraman takes a deep breath before the man on the right opens the door, and the left grabs madman as he tries to run out of the door and throws him down the steps, the camaraman walks in, and the door bangs behind him. He breaths heavy, and it is very very dark. He is stood on the top of the stairs thinking watching to see where MADMAN is. He cant see him because its too dark, But a heavy breathing sound is heard.


All of a sudden a candle light come on at the bottom of the stairs and his face comes into view. Its the one they call MADMAN. Ahugh scar goes down the left side of his cheak, and long dirty greasy hair covers part of his face. His eyes have a certain look about them, a look that can only be described as crazy.

He is wearing little old black rags, he sets the candle down and lights another one, and another. He plaes each candle in a circle, soon there is about 30 candles all placed in a circle around MADMAN. Every so often MADMAN stares up at the camaraman, but only to go back to lighting candles. After the circle is done he puts a few in candlestick holders. Soon the whole room is illuminated with light. The camaraman still stands at the top of the stairs. His breathing increases, and a cold sweat appears on his head.

He takes a big breath and walks down the stairs towards MADMAN, MADMAN starts to back off, then the camaraman goes to talk but MADMAN charges at him and hits hiw with the MADMANS GORE. The camar drops but drops so that the people in the arena can still see what is going on. MADMAN comes over and bends over the prone body of the camaraman.

MADMAN: Why, WHY did you have to come into my home and intrude my privacy, now you must feel pain, not only pain, but my pain.

MADMAN: goes to work punching away, while he is doing it a BLEED DAMMIT, BLEED scream from MADMAN comes out, Soon a drop of blood drips from the guys head and it rolls down his cheek. Madman rubs his finger in the blood, then licks his finger. He pulls the guy into the circle of candles, and places the camara on the third step, so that the crowd can see what is happening.

Madman drops to the floor, and then puts the camaramans head onto is chest. Madman starts to rud the guys hair, and talks quietly into his ear:

MADMAN: Why, why did you have to come and disturb the peace, the quiet, why did you have to enter my home, i have not done anything wrong to anyone, so why why why did you have to come and disturb me. Now look what you have odne you have harmed my friends you have disturbed my friends aswell, these poor little defensless rats have done nothing to you but you still come down here and say you need a word, you want a word with the one they call ... MADMAN.

But i do have something to talk about, infact I have a lot to talk about and it will start with the little bastard that they like to call Shadow. I told you all, every doubter, every watcher I told i would not only beat Shadow i would destroy him and i did that, I told you I would pin him 1..2..3. And i did that, but i did not beat him with the Gore now my evil sedistic mind was working and I saw the prone Body of Shadow lie there in the middle of the ring, and then I hit the biggest elbow drop that anyone had ever seen, with a pipe. I damn near killed him, I finished Solo off, and Shadow will never be the same again, infact I would be suprised if he ever walks again, and even if he can i doubt he will be back in a UWF ring. But teh destruction of one man leads me on to 3 other stupid bastards who wanted to try and take me out.

Big D
and adam flash.

They all tried to get a piece of me, but the fact is when it was all over, I still walked out of the arena a winner. So you 3 all have a problem with the crazed one, you all have a problem with the mad one, you all have a problem with the feared one. Well one by one I will get my hands into you, and I will knock you down and out. Wilddog you call yourself a sick bastard, you think your crazy, your madness is nothing in comparison to the madness that lies in me, your madness is nothing compared to the maddest one of them all. Now you are a sick bastard, but i can play dirty aswell, ou talk the talk, and you have fought the fight, but deep down inside I think you kow you cant beat the madness.

Next onto Big D, another person in this saga, You I have a real problem with, at least I have respect for Wilddog and Adam Flash, you mean nothing to me. Now I dont know what your sudden obsession with me is, but I have noticed that whenever you talk, my name is menntioned. Well Big D you think your funny, you can take teh piss out of Adam Flash, me and Wilddog all you want, but th esimple fact of the matter is you are nothing, You thikn your funny, well Solo thought he was funny aswell, he came breakdancing, then I broke him. Big D you have not even won a match yet here in the UWF, what makes you think you can now beat the Madness, let me tell you the thing telling you that is your ego, and just like you it will go down, and just like you it will not get up again, Big D, you are trying to make a name for yourself here, I will tell you you cant make a name for yourself because you are not good enough.

Then Adam Flash, the champion, I hope you keep that belt real close to you, I want you to look at it every night, polish it up, because when you messed around in my buisness, you signed your life, your soul and your belt to me. Adam Flash you dont mess with the Madness because soon the madness wil spread further than the UWF, because everyone must remember the 3 most important words of your life.

But speaking of champions, Raheem,you are the current champion, you have a gold belt on your shoulder that says you are the best, while ever you wear that belt you are the best, you are the man, but that will change, because this week at internal bleeding there is one match, one match to see who gets that shot at you, 21 wrestlers will enter, only one will be left standing and that one will be the one they call .... MADMAN. Do i care where i enter, do i care if I am number one, or number 21 that does not matter to me, because i live for that belt, and i am undefeated it will stay like that, my reign of terror, my reign of fear and y reign of madness will not stop until I have got that title. Everyone wants that belt, but only one person will have a chance of getting it, and that will be me. I will not fail, because I cannot fail.


And as i stand victorious in the middle of the ring, children will burst into tears, women will be shaking, and guys will be looiking over there shoulder, hoping praying they are not the next victim.

The door at the top of the stairs opens and the two watchers come down the stairs They run down the stairs with sticks and beat Madman off the prone body of the camaraman. One of the guys picks the camaraman up and puts him over his shoulder, and goes up stairs while the other one holds Madman off, Madman goes to the corner, and shrivels up, he screams at them to go away, Once the camaraman is out of the door, the guy restraiing Madman Backs off up the stairs, He walks out of the door and locks it.
Madman explodes into laughter and then bends down in front of the camara,
Remember the madness is spreading.
And with that he picks up the camara and throws it off the wall on the other side of the room, the titantron goes funny and the crowd inside the arena burst out into Boos. Unreal hits the PA system again as the crowd stop booing and get ready for the next match. But just as Madman said
Children were crying, women were shaking, and guys were looking over there shoulder,

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