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Date Posted: 04:51:11 08/17/02 Sat
Author: Madman
Author Host/IP: spider-loh-td013.proxy.aol.com /
Subject: 6 men, 1 ring = hell

A picture of the boiler room is shown over the tiantron, On the door there is a sign which says

Do not Enter.

Outside are the two watchers of Madmans, each in a white coat, each with a very stern look on there face. One of the guys opens the door for the camaraman:-

Camaraman: I'm here to get a few words from Madman, you should know about it.
watcher no.2: Yeah, man you camaramen never learn do you, didn't you see what he did to another camaraman only a few weeks ago.
Camaraman: I was under the impression that today he would be restrained, so is he in his straight jacket, or is he restrained from attacking me in some form.
Watcher no.1:Yea hes in his straight jacket right now. Right he should be out for at least another half hour, we tranquilized him just a while ago, and just remember what happened to the last camaraman that went down there. Madman might be a bit pissed off, so just be careful.

The camaraman walks into the dark damp boiler, and slowly makes his way down the stairs, At the bottom of the stairs Madman lies unconcious the camaraman walks down and steps over his prone body. He jumps back when he sees Madmans face. He lets thecamara focus in on Madmans face. However then the camaraman notices something very unnerving, the straight jacket is no longer on Madman but it is laid on the floor near him, The white straight jacket is also covered in blood and looks like it has been cut right down the middle.

Hair is covering hisface, and the hugh scar down the left side of his face, however his face is covered in blood, his eyes are blackened, and his nose is swollen. Dried blood matts his hair to his face, as his eyes slowly begins to open.

The camaraman jumps back and mumbles something to himself:-

Camaraman: 30 minutes my ass, God i've just signed my life away, i think I must be a madman trying to speak with this guy. Hey Madman, you doing OK, Here let me help you up.

Madman is not wearing his straight jacket and pushes the guy away, he tries to get up himself however he is unsucssful, the camaraman helps him again, and helps Madman to his feet, When Madman is stood he stares at the camaraman for a bit before staggering to a near by shelf. He gets a candle and starts lighting them, he places them in a circle, then after staring at the camaraman for a bit, he talks, not in his usual intense way instead in a quiet, soft sort of voice.

MADMAN: You act as though you care but i know you dont, your just like everyone else, you act like you act like you care then you turn your back on me and you attack me. The people in this arena, they boo, they want to see me bleed, they want to see me in pain, my pain brings there little pittiful lives something to cheer about. And just like those guys outside the boiler, they act like they care, as long as they are getting paid, tey dont care what happens to me, you see the blood smeered across my head, you see the 2 black eyes i have, they did this to me. They got bored and so they attacked me. Did you see it at internal bleeding, they tried to take me out of the rumble, they tried said he hasn't had his mediccation, he is not fit and ready to go. So instead of just telling me i did wrong, they had to beat it into me, just because I wanted the shot, the shot of been the best, and nobody was going to take that away from me. So they hit me, they beat me with sticks, they electricuted me with the god damn cattle prods. But I am use to it, They do this to me because they know that my power is spreading, they know that I am now in control. The straight jacket will not restrain my power now, I can get out of this thing anytime I want, whenever they knock me down, I get up again, and they cant handle it. They cant handle the fact that I am becoming the shining star, .And that the madness is spreading, and soon everyone will be attacked by it. But back the the rumble at internal bleeding, the time when I was suppose to be the man, that was my time.

When the music hit, Unreal by Soil hit the PA system, a fear spread over the crowd, then when you saw me in the straight jacket everyone thought I would go in there and I would get eliminated straight away, but I entered at nummber 4, I entered with a straight jacket on, and then I saw it, the other guys in the rumble looked at me like I no threat, like I was a piece of shit they could stand on, I showed them what i really was, when I tore the straight jacket off, and kicked some ass. Do you understand how much heart, how much pride, how much strength it takes to enter at number 4, and stay in there, stay in there, stay in there right until the very end. It was down to 5, Madman has been in the longest, when that Sick Bastard Wilddog elimiated me. I was so close, if it wasn't for him, then th e3 remaining guys would hav egone down. gone down and out, the personification of evil ended up winning the thing, well i say, th epersonification of madness will rule the UWF soon, very soon. Speaking of Wilddog me and you we have a match this week. You have a tag team I have a tag team.

6 men in one ring, Wilddog and the dynamic duo vs the house of pain and the one they call ....... MADMAN. On my team, BPS and MOS, the tag team champions, let me just say this, I dont like either of you, infact I hope you all die in the madness, but MOS just like in teh rumble when I eliminated you, you screw this up for me and I will eliminate you ... permanently. BPC ...... Big pile crap. Just like MOS you get in my way, you pay the price of a lifetime, you sign your life over to the madness, and your soul cannot survive the madness. You may be the champs but soon you will be destroyed just like everyone else will be because the MADNESS is SPREADING. I dont want you to watch my back, but you will need to watch yours. When you see me in the ring, and i stand on the corner with you I will look across at you, and i will see the fear in your eyes, and i will see you shiver and goosebumbs will appear on your arm, I will now that you are scared because teh mad one could hurt you very easy, and when you are down you would realize that you have been hit by the madness, and as you feel it enter your body, you will realize that every word I have said is true, and I have said the 3 most important words that you will ever hear. MADNESS is SPREADING.

But they are not important for now, they will survive for at least another week, but there are 3 people who will not survive, They go by the names of Sturpac, Alex Jay and the sick bastard Wilddog. Alex Jay and Sturpac, Denselows ass kissers. You can kiss all the ass you want, but whos going to save you when you look into the eyes of the creator of fear. The dynamic Duo, will get taken down, have you ever felt pain, let me answer that for you, NO you have not, because you have never been in the ring with the one they call ..... MADMAN. When I hit you with the madmans gore, you will really know what pain is like. Over teh years I have destroyed people, I have destroyed there hearts, there souls and there careers. Sturpac is everyones hero, the fans cheer when he comes to the ring or when Alex Jay comes to the ring. Boys this is not a cartoon strip where the hero always wins, this is my world, and you enter it, it becomes judgement day.
Where i am your judge
your jury
and your executionor.
The heros will fall.

Last but not least, the WIlddog, the sick bastard , You cost me my chance of winning the rumble, your selfish ways allowed us both to get elimianted, I was in so long, that could hav ebeen mine, but you had to go and spoil the whole thing. You cost me my match, so I must now cost you your career. You think you are sick, I am the sick one, I am the true sick Bastard, you think you are the man here, you think you own this joint, This place belongs to one man, only one man, and he is the madman. Wilddog what are you going to do when i whip you off the ropes and connect with the hardest nastiest Madmans Gore around. You see I will not be happy by just defeating Alex Jay or Sturpac, I will not be happy beating th ehell out of teh dynamic duo, the bottom line is I want you Dog, I want to pin you, I want to embarass you, and I want to finish you, and I will make sure you never wrestle again, because of two reasons, 1) you will be going through so much pain, you want be able to walk never mind wrestle.
and second, so much fear will be going through your body, you wont want to step back in teh ring with the mad one, with the physcho, with the one that gave you a sense of fear, gave you a sense of madness, Wilddog do you remember the 3 words that will haunt you for the rest of your life, well if you dont let me tell you again, MADNESS is SPREADING. Wilddog, dynamic duo, can feel the power moving, the power is no longer with you guys its slowly shifting to the madness.

Its only a matter of time, before everyone falls victim, falls victim to the man that ended the careers of so many. I am the undefeated one, I am the hated one, I am the feared one. Now what else do you want.

Camaraman: No that will be OK, but I would like to know, what really makes you think you can handle the likes of Wilddog, sturpac and alex Jay, they are top guys, acheved a lot in there time.
MADMAN: I think I can becase i now I can, What makes them think they can beat me is a batter question, I will not, i cannot lose, Some day in the near future everyone will realise why I am the future, why I am the best, you see I am the future, and the future is now, Now leave my home, leave me and the rats to our peace, or you wil suffer the same fate your little camaraman buddy did the other day.

The camaraman stands up on his feet and puts the camara back down he then goes up the stairs, Arat runs past his foor which startles him for a while, before one of the watchers opens the door and allows him to exit through the door, meanwhile Madman is staring at the camara, he then starts rocking while chanting, MADNESS is SPREADING MADNESS is SPREADING MADNESS is SPREADING. After a while he stands up and throws the camara against the wall. In the arena the fans are booing, and chanting 'you suck'. Then they settle down back in there seats and wait for the show to resume, however the children and crying the females are shaking and the males are looking around to see if they are save. They know after teh performance he put on in the rumble, that Madman could be a big threat in the future.

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