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Subject: catfish tournament

Mike Mitchell
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Date Posted: 01:52:59 04/26/03 Sat

i am starting a catfishing trail on the tenn river, and i am currently looking for sponsors......plz email me any info or help

Tennessee River Catfish Trail

100 % Payback Open Catfishing Tournaments

Lake Date Time Ramp
Wheeler Lake May 24, 2003 5:00p.m. Till 12:00 a.m. Decatur Boat
Guntersville Lake June 7, 2003 5:00p.m. Till 12:00 a.m. Guntersville
State Park
Pickwick Lake June 28, 2003 5:00p.m. Till 12:00 a.m. MacFarland
Wilson Lake July 12, 2003 5:00p.m. Till 12:00 a.m. Fleet Harbor

Classic lake to be voted on by qualifying teams July 26, 2003; 6:00 p.m. Till 6:00 a.m. participants

5 fish limit 14 inch size limit

Entry Fee - 40 dollars a boat ( 2 Persons)
Lunker (optional) - 5 dollars for big blue, 5 dollars big flathead

Payouts Classic Payouts
1st place 20.00 a boat 1st place 25.00 a boat
5.00 from classic pot
2nd place 10.00 a boat 2nd place 10.00 a boat
3.00 from classic pot
10.00 to classic pot 3rd place 5.00 a boat
2.00 from classic pot

Top 5 Boats out of each qualifying event will be eligible for classic
Top 2 boats out of each event will be eligible for the Cabelas King Kat Classic on pickwick September 5th and 6th with prize money payouts expected to be over 25,000 dollars

Rules and regulations:

1. Only Blue, channel, yellow (flathead) catfish, 14 inch minimum size limit will be weighed.
2. All Alabama Game & Fish regulations must be followed.
3. No Jugs, Trotline, hand grabbling, limb lines, etc. allowed (ROD & REEL ONLY!)
4. All fish must be kept alive to be weighed, NO DEAD FISH.
5. No Alcholic beverages.
6. No fishing within 40 yards of anchored boat.
7. Any bait may be used that is legal (artificial, cut bait, chicken livers, and live bait).
8. All ties will be broken by coin toss.
9. Anyone caught cheating or breaking tournament rules will be disqualified from tournament and all future events.
10. No use of cellular phones or walkie talkies to convey fishing information.
11. No snagging.
12. All fish are to be released back into the lake that they were caught from.
13. All fishing must be done out of a boat, no bank fishing
14. Tournament Directors will have finial decision on any discrepancies

For more information contact:
Tournament Director - Mike Mitchell
(256) 891-8177
(256) 673-2250

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