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Date Posted: 18:01:32 06/26/02 Wed
Author: Avalon
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Subject: .: Toxic :.
In reply to: venom 's message, "you dont know the meaning of poison.." on 17:29:47 06/26/02 Wed

Natural panic as snake-like creature clings to tappered frame, momentary jump as doe thinks only of escape. For a moment, mental message is not registered and then it is as if a light had sliced away the dence fog of paniced confusion. Auid flicker back and painted doe remains still, trembling, but firm.
"I knew not whom this tresure belonged, I meant no harm in it. I have a natural predelect for beautiful things, could the fearies blame me for wanting to take it?"
Long pause as calming breath is taken.
"Are you certain I can not go back? I would very much like to go home...."

(Don't worry about anything, I know. I'm leaving on Saturday so we're in the same boat pretty much, lol. Chelle told me, I got a very ironicly amusing e-mail about my, er, situation. This isn't the only mess I have to find my way out of, lol Poor, poor Avalon, if you don't kill her, Chelle probably will!)

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