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Date Posted: 02:00:04 10/07/00 Sat
Author: s8int
Author Host/IP: 2cust189.tnt2.sacramento2.ca.da.uu.net /
Subject: Ooparts (out of place artifacts) & Ancient Hi Technology-Evidence of Noah's Flood?

Romans 16:16

Do ancient unexplained artifacts and high technology potentially provide evidence of pre-flood civilizations? Do 800 Billion fossils of all types in the Karoo Bone yards provide additional evidence of a worldwide flood? Does the Bible mention dinosaurs? Is there an easy explanation for fitting dinosaurs on the ark? Is there a reason that scientists cannot do on purpose in the lab what they claim happened by accident? Is evolution the worst theory ever to fit known facts?--

Is there evidence that dinosaurs did co-exist with men in agreement with the Bible and in opposition to the theory of evolution? Do Giant versions of some of today's plant, insects, animals and "Mega" Men prove a stumbling block for evolutionary theories?

Hello! Is there an unmistakable Message (from God) in the cells of every living thing?

http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/spiritst/s8int/phile12.html Ooparts & Ancient Technology—Evidence of Noah’s Flood?

http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/spiritst/s8int/phile16.htmlTwentieth Century Dinosaurs?

http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/spiritst/s8int/phile16A.htmlHistory, Archeology & Art Crawling with Dinosaurs

With Some Size Estimates At 8 to 10 Feet Tall, Meganthropus Would Have Gone in The First Round http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/spiritst/s8int/phile21.html There Were Giants In the Earth in Those Days—And Afterward

Put your hand on the radio? Say this prayer I wrote myself? Become a "Prayer Partner"i.e.; Send money? Though they have hair like Charleston Heston (in his role as Moses after receiving the 10 commandments) What really matters is: http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/spiritst/s8int/phile7.html What the Bible Says Concerning Salvation—Not Slick-haired Preachers

No backwards collars, no funny hats, no special vestments, no accoutrements –no titles such as Father, Rabbi or Teacher as Jesus Commanded; and they called themselves: Christians? http://www.insidetheweb.com/messageboard?mbs.cgi?accnt=mb796603&TL= Neither Catholic Nor Protestant; A Christian Only!

Take care,

But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. Amos 5:24 RSV

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