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Subject: Re: Wish 15

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Date Posted: 09:53:00 09/11/02 Wed
In reply to: undamned 's message, "Wish 15" on 16:26:52 09/10/02 Tue

Yeah, I have this album. Its the original wish 15 songs plus some other unreleased demos. It was ripped from a casette tape and burned to CD. The quality isnt all that good and you can hear some tape hiss. But you can still get the basic idea of what they were trying to do. The music itself is totally unlike anything from Mortal or FZ. It sounds kinda like oldschool Depeche Mode or something like that. Its got that cheezy 80s drum machine kind of sound. The electronic effects sound very arcane by todays standards, but you have to consider how long ago it came out. I can pretty much garuntee that you will never find it in a used music store, or pretty much anywhere else for that matter. I was totally lucky to get ahold of it myself. I dont ever listen to it. I just like having it because it completes my collection, heh heh. Actually now my collection isnt complete anymore, I still need nu-en-jin. As for the copyright thing, im not sure if the law still applies to stuff put out by defunct record labels. Interesting question.

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Re: Wish 15undamned11:50:45 09/11/02 Wed

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