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Subject: Five Missing Songs

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Date Posted: 20:08:14 08/03/04 Tue

Hey Everybody,

I've got Godspeed and it the liner notes it says that they had five songs they couldn't fit on the CD. I was wondering does anyone have any idea what they are? Did they ever say what songs they couldn't fit? I have my own list. I think they are:

1. "Tuesday Assassin" (it was on Live Vol. 5, along with "Rift", and "Cryptic" which were both on "Godspeed")

2. "Rescinding"-a beautiful song from "Lusis".

3. "Promulgate"-I downloaded this song first before I bought the best of. I didn't notice that this song wasn't on there. Very well done song.

4. "Run [Atmostrange]"-Since Jyro & Jerome put two songs of the three songs that were intended to be Fold-Zan songs, I think they probably would have put this one if they could have.

5. "Speed Of Sound" This is a wild guess. It's a very well written song. Very beautiful song. I don't have "Wake" but I did download this song and "Oceanful", "Nowhere Man", and "My Darling Whippoorwil". This seems like a good pick but I'm not sure. Maybe it could be "Oceanful".


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Subject Author Date
Re: Five Missing SongsDanny15:23:56 08/26/04 Thu

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