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Subject: Re: NuEnJin

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Date Posted: 22:26:35 03/18/05 Fri
In reply to: Strugglefish 's message, "NuEnJin" on 16:06:24 03/07/05 Mon

Hey Strugglefish,
"Nu-En-Jin" is an apocalyptic electronic album about current and spiritual events using Sci Fi settings as parallels (or parables if you like) for the story songs.

"Tenn0" is a worship tune about Jesus or God. The word Tenno is Japanese and literally means. "Heavenly Emperor" or Godking".

"Mr. Arochet" is about materialism. The song describes and philanthropist, Simun Ar0chet who will "do whatever it takes" to build a rocket "into the sunset", in other words leave a legacy behind at the expense of others and morality.

"FMZ4" is about revenge but is also very touching because it deals with individuals who are not yet mature enough understand the events of 9/11. The song is set "AD2021" and all the children who were born at that time will be of age and will definitely have some thoughts and feelings about the attacks.

It talks about "winged malevolence". It's about 9/11 and the reaction of the children of the victims. Although it could be interpreted in a broader sense as a warning against revenge. (the main character's name is
San which is Spanish for "Saint")

"Dymenshan", "Teraferma" and "Cloudburst" are all end of the world songs, a subject that Jyro has been writing about since "King Planet".

I think that Jyro's rapping on "Nu-En-Jin" works better here than on "Juggernautz" since most of the songs use fictional characters as the speaker in most of them.

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