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Subject: Re: Partially :)

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Date Posted: 11:44:33 09/11/02 Wed
In reply to: Warhawk 's message, "Re: Partially :)" on 10:07:04 09/11/02 Wed

Word, I'll buy it to support the band too :) Here's a comment per Jyro:
'....the new Mortal will sound
ridiculously brutal compared to any of the other Mortal
records we've done...'
That mp3 clip didn't work, eh? Try THIS. I'm so hoping the album is good, as I've had such a good time with their old stuff. I guess if it's not so good you can always look at it as a "project" and as we know, not all projects are successful. From the clip it sounds similar to Klank or something with deep vocal distortion, which, I'm honestly not a fan of, for the most part. I dig alot of 80's bands like Tears for Fears, Duran Duran, Depeche Mode, Petshop Boys, etc. and Mortal's old vocals remind me of that scene in "rage mode." I didn't enjoy Klank very much. I dug some Circle of Dust/Brain Child stuff though.

>That would rule if you got hooked up with a
>pre-release. I cant wait to hear it. Even if I did
>get a free copy of it in advance Id still buy it from
>the store when it came out, just to supoprt the band
>(and also so id have the cover art and all that). I
>have no idea what its going to sound like and am
>really courious. That soundclip you linked to didnt
>work, so that was kinda a bummer.
>I really hope Mortal starts promoting this new album a
>lot, with a new tour, some cool merch and an updated
>website. They havnt been real good in the promotional
>department (case in point, look at thier inactive
>foldzan site).
>Anyway, I totally cant wait to hear it. Hope it lives
>up to the standards of previous Mortal albums.

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Re: Partially :)Warhawk13:26:59 09/11/02 Wed

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