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Subject: Mr. Warhawk [re: scans]

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Date Posted: 10:00:28 11/07/02 Thu

Hey, man. You are not forgotten! I've been so out of the loop lately and as a result you don't have your scans yet. I actually did the scanning over a month ago at my friends house, but I need to go back over there and re-size stuff (i.e. the poster took 4 individual scans because of it's size). The flyers turned out great and the pics look good, I think. I'm actually planning on eventually launching my own mortal site, but I hope to have a different feel than you or mr. disography guy, and as a result, I'm not at all opposed to continuing to contribute to both of your sites as well as working on mine. I've got so many projects pending (Dodonpachi Dai Ou Jou site, Cave shooting game art page, F.M. Towns Marty game listing, fixing various arcade games I have, keeping up on my Megaman collection, ...) asside from my everyday walk with Christ, that sometimes things get a little hecktic keeping up, heh. I'll make no promises on ETA for stuff, but just know that it is "in que" and you are not forgotten :)

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