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Subject: review of Mortal bootleg

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Date Posted: 17:39:04 01/27/03 Mon

I finally got my copy of Attack All Rhythmic Vibrations today. Here’s a quick review:

Overall, the rough versions aren’t drastically different from the finished versions. The audio quality is about what you’d expect from a tape copy of a demo. It’ well worth the $5 I paid for it. It’s a CD-R

1. “Alive & Awake” - other than some missing samples, and the effects on the vocals, it’s pretty similar to the finished version. It’s cool to hear Jyro’s natural voice on this. It must have been shocking for people to hear these back more than ten years ago.

2. “Electrify” - pretty much the same.

3. “Promulgate” - guitars sound very differnt. Much more like the tinny guitars on Lusis. Some samples stick out of the mix more IMO.

4. “Godspeed” - the lyrics are arranged a little differently. Instead of “Godspeed, God’s love, God’s grace”, it’s “Godspeed, God’s grace, God’s love”.

5. “Neplusultra” - Mark Salomon doesn’t sing on this version, so the first verse is instrumental. Jyro comes in on the chorus, and provides some low vocals during the second and third verses. I didn’t realize Jyro had sung on this track at all until I heard this. The ambient ending lasts a little longer.

6. “Running to Stand Still (live 12.14.94)” - bootlegged off of a gray dot promo CD. If you have it, you know the song. It’s a very mellow, acoustic cover of a U2 track with some of the Rolling Stones’ “Ruby Tuesday” toward the end. It doesn’t really fit with the mood of the other upbeat tracks.

(I hope this post doesn't get screwed up)

(replace windows with mac to e-mail)

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linkJT X17:41:49 01/27/03 Mon
Re: review of Mortal bootlegWarhawk13:08:14 01/28/03 Tue

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