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Subject: help mme please

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Date Posted: 23:51:31 08/27/02 Tue

From MDD Diractor to Everyone June 26, 2002 22:29:12 (EDT) | Top | Bottom |
I just wanted to say I have never came to this board before untill some one called me and told me to go look at all the trash talking! I can't put into words how I feel about all the beautiful children that have been hurt! By trashing them on the internet! I am honest and fair person and do not believe that anyone should be or saying things about others and harmless children! I can't even put it in my own words because I am so heart broken that people can be so mean So the reason I am posting is to let all of the trash talking people to feel the way these inasent people and children feel! a list for all: #1: open your bible #2: read script. GALATIANS Chapter5 verse20 and it says- Idolatry,witchcraft,hatred,variance,jealousy,wrath,strife,seditions, heresies(gossip),and such like of the which I(God)tell you before as I have also told you in time pass. They wich do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of GOD!!! #3: There for thou art inexcusable oman who so ever thou judgest another thou condemest thy self.
Yes i have a stipulation that i must have 60 at my pageant or all monies will be pro-rated so why dont you join with me to put those bad boys out of business? I have read so much bashing of them on these boards isnt that what you want? Yes i had a 2 way tie for my o-4 grand in the photo contest and yea i had a 3 way tie in the older grand and i had alot of people tie for mini but it made more people happy. I am asking everybody to help me pull together to put faces out of business! currently i have only 2 hair people to do makeup butler and d. york but im sure i will get more so please help me.
Mdd director

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