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Subject: Hands beauty care your nails. (OEMarch-2278)

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Date Posted: 02:42:55 04/08/09 Wed

Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the

thumb of your other hand. This will help to circulate the blood. Work

your way over the remainder of the hand and then repeat giving equal

time to the other hand. Before color is applied to nails, they must be

cleaned and the easiest way to do this is with an orange stick that

has been wrapped with cotton. Dip into nail polish remover and then

rub over the surface of the nail. Check the nail for any creamy

residue. When none remains, your nails will be ready for polishing.

Time for color. Pick up a small amount of polish on your brush and

paint one stroke down the center of your nail. Your brush should hold

just enough color to accomplish this. Stroke the sides of the nail and

you are done. The nail should be completely colored in three strokes.

Allow to set for a minute or so before applying the second coat. Wait

until polish is set (dry to the touch) and then apply the top coat.

Don't skip this step as it not only adds life to your manicure, it

will protect your nails as well. Sanitize all of your equipment with

alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next

manicure. Nail Tips: Nail polish can be stored in the fridge. If your

nail polish is too thick, try thinning with a polish thinner. To

prevent the cap from sticking, coat it with a little Vaseline to

prevent this from happening. visit:


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