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Date Posted: 14:49:41 10/30/02 Wed
Author: Amanda (Cheerprincess!!!)
Subject: Something I read online

Hey Girls,

Well I was surfing a site and came across this, it has to do with religion, and because our team is pretty religious, I felt I could post this so you could all enjoy it. I think we should really use it as part of our team frame of mind, because it does have a great message.



The Art of Discouragement

Are you the kind of Christian who always sees the cup half-empty? Do you get uncomfortable whenever your believing friends start to get a little too excited or joyful? With just a little effort you can turn discouraging others into an art form. Here are some pointers.

When your friends get enthusiastic about distributing food to the hungry or inviting unsaved friends to a Christian concert, turn their attention to something negative. Say things like, “Lots of people are giving away food,” or “That group’s really not very good.”

Another tactic is to put a dark cloud over any suggested change for the better. Make comments like: “It’ll never work.” “We’ve tried that before and it’s always flopped.” “We’ll see how long this lasts.” A little practice and you’ll soon be skilled at dumping cold water.

Making the worst of a situation is another winner. Issue dire predictions like, “The student committee will never approve that!” Call attention to how busy everyone is. Emphasize that most people never respond to anything. Major on the glitches, the dangers.

Practice nonverbal signals, like deep sighs and furrowing your brow. Use your mirror to perfect your throwing-your-hands-in-the-air technique. Choose opportune moments to use all these skills, such as just when everyone’s getting excited.

If nothing else succeeds, compare your group with some large, successful enterprise. It’s a sure joy-stopper to say something like: “We’ll never be that good.” “No way can we grow that big.” “They’ve got a lot more resources than we have.”

I know. I know. The apostle Paul told us over and over to encourage one another (1 Thessalonians 4:18; 5:11; Titus 2:15; Hebrews 3:13; 10:25). Jesus Himself was a great restorer and encourager. We’re instructed to build one another up.

For some reason, do you feel compelled to show the downside? Did it ever occur to you that you might be playing right into the devil’s hands? Make encouragement your art—not discouragement. —Dave Egner

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