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Date Posted: 19:56:44 11/18/02 Mon
Author: Amanda
Subject: Interesting Article...


I was surfing a devotional website and I found this really cool article that compares cheerleading to a certain bible story. I think it is really interesting to read because you wouldn't put these two things together like this, but it works out great and definitly gave me some new insight into stunts!

From daily devotionals:

I stood in my cheerleading uniform, looking at the crowd below me. I was several feet above the ground, at the peak of a mount that we were building in our Homecoming routine. I was standing stiffly with my arms by my side and my legs slightly apart. Two cheerleaders each held one of my feet at chin level, and four other members of the varsity squad were standing behind us.

At a certain point in our dance routine, I was to fall straight backward, and the four cheerleaders behind me would catch me, cushion my fall, and bounce me back into my original position.

I really had to trust the other squad members, because once I began to fall, I had no control over my position. I had to depend on them completely! Fortunately, all our weeks of practice paid off, and we carried off the stunt smoothly.

My dependence on the girls in my cheerleading squad reminds me of a story from the Bible. In Exodus 17, Joshua and the Israelites were battling the Amalekites. Moses was standing at the top of a hill near the battlefield with his arms outstretched, holding his shepherd's staff in his hand.

As long as Moses held his arms up, the Israelites were winning. When he lowered his hands, the battle turned in the Amalekites' favor. I know it's a little strange, but that's how the story goes!

Eventually, Moses got tired! He couldn't hold his hands up. His brother Aaron and friend Hur came beside Moses, sat him down on a rock, and held his arms up until the battle was over.

Just like I had the support of my squad members, and just like Moses had the support of Aaron and Hur, we can have people in our lives we can depend on to hold us up when we can't do it ourselves.

When I've had to make a difficult decision, these friends and family members comfort me with encouraging words. If I'm feeling a little down, they support me and remind me of God's faithfulness. If I'm wandering into sin or thinking about doing something unwise, they confront me and provide accountability. If I'm celebrating, they rejoice with me! It's even better when I can be this type of person in someone else's life.

Do you have a "squad" or friends like Aaron and Hur in your life? This week, take some time to thank God for them—and to tell them how much you appreciate their support. And, it wouldn't hurt to think about finding someone who can receive this type of encouragement from you.

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