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Date Posted: 16:26:51 12/04/02 Wed
Author: Amanda
Subject: Our first (and second) run through of our routine

Hey Girls,

I have to say I am so proud of the fact that our team ran two amazing routines at the game today. It's pretty neat that the first time we ran our routine all out, we hit everything. It's great!

First Run: Good. We hit all the stunts and stuff. The dance seemed a bit sloppy (I'm guilty of that too lol) but otherwise, really good.

Second Run: Even better. The stunts were good. The straddle sits are weird in front of the guys though lol I can vouch for feeling like LAUGHING my head off in the air lol Meh, good job.

I am really feeling good about competition but we can't think that just because it hit today, that it will hit at competition. We can't afford to slack off a little bit cuz stuff will crash everywhere. Make sure you get your friends and stuff out to our competition, that way we'll have some HC fans in the stands.

I am so proud of the team and I can't believe how far we've come in four months. The talent and dedication shown by everyone is out of this world. I don't think I could ask for a better team... you are all amazing me.

So, I'll just finish tonight by saying that the only reason we could hit everything tonight, and keep everything in the air is because we competed as a team. And we need to really look into the fact that we say Together We Win, and we have to really mean it. It doesn't just take good bases, a good flyer or a good third to hit a stunt. It takes the combined effort of everyone to hit the routine, so let's really just remember on Saturday and Sunday to get together and compete as a team.

Love Always and Cheers!

P.S -> Hope you're liking the warmup suits!

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