Date Posted:11:37:01 12/14/02 Sat Author: Jenn Subject: Oh Geeze
Wow Krissy and Kallie make me feel like such a wussy.I hope you two get better ASAP!!! As for the rest of you! I hope you girls do awesome today!! I wish I could be there!!!! I'm with Krissy on the whole crying and begging my mom to let me go, but unfortuatly being a mother she's right. The last thing I want to do it be unheathy out they're and end up dropping a stunt or making everyone else sick. I love you all and miss you guys already. I think I'll be at school on monday, not by choice, but just because I can't afford to miss any more school. :(. If theres a practice I'll be there but I'll most likely have to sit out and watch. Gosh I'm going crazy! I watched Bring It On! 5 times in the past 4 days!! I need my cheerleading fix! I've been praying for you girls and I hope you all come home safe, and healthy and happy!
Also uncontagious hugs and kissed