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Date Posted: 19:14:32 08/04/02 Sun
Author: Adriano Quadrado
Subject: Re: You are all FOOLS
In reply to: Satyadeepa 's message, "You are all FOOLS" on 20:26:19 07/30/02 Tue


It is nice to read a current disciple's post for a change. But what did you say? You simply said: "You are bitter fools".

Come on, man, is it the best you can do??

I could also call you a fool, since I DO BELIEVE Sri Chinmoy is a false master and since I DO BELIEVE you are following a man who do not follow the very rules he imposes to his disciples.

But I am not doing it. Why? Well, because I do not know who you are. I know nothing about your life, about your "sorrows and joys", about the feelings, dreams and ideas you have. So how could I call you a fool?

As I do not know you, you definitively do not know me either. So I think it is pretty unfair (to say the least) for you to call me or call any other ex-disciple a fool.

Also you do not know anything about my life, so it is obvious that you CANNOT SAY that Sri Chinmoy's cult was "the only good thing I have done in my whole sorry life". Man, I had many many many nice experiences in my life, as I had many many sad ones. That is life. But Chinmoy was not the happiest, neither the sadest.

My four years in the cult WERE NOT the highlight of my existence (I am now 31 years old). I learned some good things there, but I also had some sad suffered moments. One of the bad things is that Chinmoy has spoiled my relationship with the hindu tradition and it seems to be a serious damage to me.

But I was lucky. Many people had infinitely worse experiences than the ones I had. Many are suffering at this moment due to the wrong actions of your gurudeva. So do not be so careless in your judment about other people's experiences and lives. Ok?

As a cult member you show us the very attitude which defines a group as a "sect" or a "cult". You show us a sectarian view of the world, grouping and labelling people as "fool" or "nice", as "divine" or "undivine", as "spiritual" or "ordinary". You think you are part of a "special" group and that the people who do not think your group is so "special" (oh, far from it) are "fools". Many people were exploited, tortured and killed by sectarian systems in humanity's history.

You came here to say that everybody is "fool" and that everybody's life is "sorry". Who are you, man, to say that??? You have "satya" in your name which is supposed to mean "truth". What kind of truth are you searching for? Do you want to impose you small sectarian fanatic "truth" to everybody or do you want to really discover the ultimate Truth. Truth is God. God is Oneness. And oneness, I think, is lacking in your sectarian and agressive behaviour. Will you honour your name or not?

Sri Chinmoy's followers are repeatedly trying to convince themselves that the HUGE number of "hostile" ex-disciples are only a group of "sad", "bitter", "frustrated" people who failed in their spiritual quest and that are now blaming the poor avatar for their own mistakes, inventing "lies" to damage Chinmoy's public image.

But I am sorry to inform you that the "hostile" people here are human beings just like you. We have our sorrows and frustrations, just like you. But of course we also have happiness, hope an joy, just like you have. Human beings are complex. Unfortunately (for you) they cannnot be divided in two groups: "frustrated ex-disciples" and "followers of the greatest avatar of all times". It is not so simple, satya. You will have to strive harder if you still want to understand this world.

I really do not think you are a fool (not yet). I know nothing about you, perhaps only your tendency for quick judment, sectarian behavior and spiritual immaturity.

I know about me and I assure you that my life is full of meaning, hope, happiness and joy. Sri Chinmoy's cult WAS NOT the best or even bigest event in my life. It was just another experience in my earthly journey. Sorry, dude.

If you tell me you are happy in the cult it is pretty much ok for me. You have your own universe and life story and I am not the one who will say you are wrong. As a matter of fact, I guess you are right in what you are doing, since God is keeping you there for a reason, because, in my opinion, it would be pretty easy for you to suspect that there is something very wrong with that sect. The simple fact that there are HUNDREDS of ex-disciples who think Chinmoy is a total fraud is more than a clue to me.

The ex-disciples' actions are taken only to inform people about other opinions concerning Sri Chinmoy's group, since disciples ARE NOT FREE to question the "guru" (remember: "a true disciple never argues with his master").

Differently than Chinmoy, I think people are free to decide what is best for them. And I guess all the "hostile forces" here agree with me.

So, make us a favour. Let us also decide in what to believe and what to do with our lives. Ok?

All the best, "satya"-dude.


>You are all a bunch of bitter fools hating on the only
>good thing you have done in your whole sorry lives.

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  • Re: You are all FOOLS -- Satyanandaramadevasanam, 20:51:26 08/05/02 Mon
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