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Date Posted: 16:47:41 08/24/02 Sat
Author: Genie
Subject: Re: what a paranoia!
In reply to: Subala 's message, "what a paranoia!" on 10:07:23 08/21/02 Wed

>Claudia, I see you are of the same opinion as Nellie
>B. (I am surprised no one has replied to her posting)
>that we, ex-disciples, are responsible for the various
>symptoms of the greenhouse effect that are appearing
>in different parts of the globe. How do you explain
>that these desastrous symptoms were expected to happen
>sooner or later by many members of the scientific
>community who have been studying these environmental
>issues for years now? How could these environment
>specialists have forecast years ago something that,
>according to your beliefs, has been caused solely by a
>situation that started only a few months ago? Not only
>it sounds very silly, but can't you see that those
>accusations which you are broadcasting are only
>creating a very very wrong image of Sri Chinmoy? If
>one should believe that you are sincere, both you and
>Nellie B., one would then conclude that these ideas
>are coming from Sri Chinmoy himself. As an ex-disciple
>who, in spite of all the understandable questioning
>that the actual picture is bringing forward, have kept
>an overall positive feeling about my experience as a
>disciple, I am taken aback by the incredible paranoia
>in those ideas you are displaying.
>Can't you see it? Are you blind? And who are you,
>anyway, to speak like that, pretending you are
>speaking on behalf of Sri Chinmoy ? I am surprise he
>has not yet asked you to leave, first because you are
>not allowed to go on the website, second because you
>are carrying out a very bad image of him. Maybe you
>two just don't exist. You just sound too crazy to be
>To end with, I think you are wrong to talk of
>"campaigns", because the website is for most
>participants a way to communicate. Wait till you
>become an ex-disciple. You will be glad to meet some
>old friends.
Oh, you've been authorized to speak on Behalf of Guru?

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