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Date Posted: 22:28:15 07/11/02 Thu
Author: Milo
Subject: Re: What about testimonials ?
In reply to: Nomen Nescio 's message, "Re: What about testimonials ?" on 14:21:57 07/11/02 Thu

No, Nomen, it was me who posted your poem and I have a hard copy of it, so don't worry, your artistic talent has been recordsed for all time.


>No, most of the messages were not backed-up, because
>there was no way to do that actually.
>There is a new site which has some content. I think
>the nice guy in Brazil is doing that. Go to
>aboutsrichinmoy.com to see the link.
>Your ideas are really great! Someone is thinking about
>doing that but really it is a question of time and
>money! I don't see it happening any time soon, but who
>There are sooo many people who are involved now,
>someone will do it eventually I am sure. Actually I am
>not sure, but I think so??
>Too bad my great poem was lost. I think that Swadhin
>guy reposted it right before the site went 'poof'. It
>would have made CKG so proud.
>>- 2 yahoo groups closed
>>- geocities/befree11us closed
>>- new site 'hismasterfootfalls'(ezboard) closed
>>May I kindly ask the moderators of this group and/or
>>the founders of the late Yahoo group (the one with
>>2500+ messages) -- I don't know whether they are the
>>same persons --
>>what they intend to do about the precious testimonials
>>that were on those boards ? (I hope there are backup
>>- it is clearly risky to create any new group on yahoo
>>or similar providers: they give up easily to any legal
>>- therefore it would be a better idea to set up a new
>>site with a privately owned domain name (i.e not
>>hosted by yahoo etc) that would be both a discussion
>>group and a repository of testimonials and
>> - it would be much less vulnerable
>> - the drawback is that it needs its own software
>>(maybe some free software can be found). I have a bit
>>of competence in this field, but I am badly lacking of
>> - another problem is that the owners of this site
>>would be directly exposed to legal threats
>> - to protect against this, a good idea could be to
>>set it in a country outside US (I think of France or
>>Germany, which are in the lead of anti-cult struggle)
>> - supplementary tactics could also to move the site
>>to another domain name (while keeping links) each time
>No most of the messages were not backed-up, because
>there was no way to do that actually.
>>it is seriously threatened.
>> - after all there are some anti-cult sites that
>>have resisted for years, and against fierce opponents
>>like Sc|%\t@!@gy...
>>[Sorry if I look like giving advice while doing
>>Maybe there are projects in progress I am not aware of

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