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Subject: We Need Your Money so we can Prosper Without Working

mrro0704 (events@worldlawalliance.com)
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Date Posted: 13:46:40 01/03/23 Tue

Spend Company Time and Money

useless seminars with useless people

You are probably getting [contact@worldlawalliance.com] tired of work. Well, you are in luck. We have great vendors offering great seminar opportunities with no risk of ever getting your money back! Plus, you pay international rates when you reach out and phone our smelly little boiler room +91 8505 999 819 to complain.

girl in pink bra and panties   In order to assure that your electronic mailbox is filled efficiently, you should choose at least one of these pink pests:

These are the acknowledged experts in vacation seminars.

When you sign up for a non-refundable seminar, you might as well go ahead and pick one with a good location. After all, even if the seminar is a load of bollocks, you can still enjoy getting out and dining on the expense account. If the weather is warm, so much the better! And remember, you can count on the best seminars when the promoter is in India.

Contact Suman Arora [suman@worldlawalliance.com] for most up to date information, or phone that smelly boiler room nmentioned above. cutercounter.com[Turkish Approved Seal of Oppression]

Rely on the World Law weaselment:
  • If a seminar is a complete waste of time,
  • or it is canceled too late,
  • good luck getting your money back!
girl in pink underwear 533x706large-chested model in pink bra and tight pink panties
Illustrations are offered purely as motivational aids. There is little likelihood that anyone promoting the seminars in any wise resembles illustrations. The hope is that, while you are the seminar venue, you might find someone local who appears similar to illustrations. Expense-account alcohol may improve attractiveness of local talent.

Thanks to our sponsors, without whom these promotions would be more challenging to fill out.
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marshal.lee@baosteel-group.net mars1125 escrow, not much, spanking
marty@greenbaumconsultco.com mart1228 consult, franchise
mellissaaahori82@gmail.com mell1222 phone, silence
robert.lai.protechnichk@hotmail.com robe0103 escrow, cleaning, clean
smardini73@gmail.com smar1228 realistic, investor, crummy
todd@tdsinc.co todd1219 pink, look into, dog stop, future, franchise, microsoft, tickled, clean-out, hotfrog, dog service, get bit, pinkly, get bit, money, franchise

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Three Maildrops Mean Maxumum Mechanical Mojo rica0105 (yogendrakumar9603@outlook.com)10:59:15 08/23/23 Wed

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