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Subject: Save Money when you Buy Make-Believe Goods on the Web

jam0610 (samuel@complianceclerkweb.com)
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Date Posted: 16:30:20 05/21/24 Tue

Money Flies Away Like Birds

buy make-believe goods from internet strangers

Sure, you could deal with a local merchant. The problem is that he has to pay rent for his shop, and he has to purchase and stock the things to be sold. That overhead means he is going to be more expensive.

three girls in bras and panties may not appear, either 736x932

On the other hand, an internet stranger can avoid all these costs.

  • No store front means no rent.
  • No purchase of goods means lower supply costs.
  • And no stocking means no need to have money tied up in inventory.
As you can see, internet vendors save you money.

There are a lot of great deals on the internet. We are proud to have curated a few of the finest. If you do not want to be called a bird-brain, you just might want to look into them.
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marasamanthaquqp957@gmail.com mara0501 phishy, google
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yogendra9603@hotmail.com yoge0427 microsoft, off-shore, little, abroad, money machine

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