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Date Posted: 06:06:57 07/25/14 Fri
Author: Christopher Antony Meade (Laughing a lot)

By Denise "Dee" (Portskewett, Wales. UK.) - Amazon Verified Purchase.
This review is from: The Zombie, the Cat, and Barack Obama: Featuring appearances from The Illuminati, Osama Bin Laden, Larry the Downing Street cat, Queen Elizabeth II, the Cheshire cat and a host of characters. (Kindle Edition)
“The tales are all 'tongue in cheek' and would be a great read for those who are looking for something fun, light and easy to read. The author has a great imagination and has managed to link each tale together quite brilliantly, making the book 'flow' from one story into the next quite smoothly. You'll meet several other characters within the tales, and find out what 'really happened' to Barack Obama.
My personal favourite was the first tale about the Zombie which, at times, had me laughing out loud; but having 'said' that, I thoroughly enjoyed the book as a whole. There are definitely more titters to be had, especially when you imagine what is being so well described. The book is short, and may only take a couple of days to get through, less if you 'speed read' like my husband, but I think the author got it spot on. It's certainly worth a read and I'd happily RECOMMEND THIS BOOK to anyone”.

To read the book and find out why the reviewer was so pleased visit

United States. (Amazon.com)

Also available from all other Amazon sites.
Kindle Prime members can download it free.

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