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Date Posted: 04:11:14 08/12/14 Tue
Author: Christopher Antony Meade (Laughing a lot)

5.0 out of 5 stars More than a comedy, January 11, 2014
By Cedar - Amazon Verified Purchase.
This review is from: The Zombie, the Cat, and Barack Obama: Featuring appearances from The Illuminati, Osama Bin Laden, Larry the Downing Street cat, Queen Elizabeth II, the Cheshire cat and a host of characters. (Kindle Edition)
I had come across his FB profile by chance and his comments had interested me. I had a hunch that his satirical comedy would be good. Sure enough I was to have a chuckle at every third line. Zombies are not portrayed as the usual mindless monsters here. It is fun to get behind the mind of a zombie for a change. The author managed to weave in a veiled philosophy that the ending is unpredictable and gratifying. The author has also satisfied our desire to call Mr. Bin Laden a pig without the risk of being targeted by some terrorists. He brought in the innocent story of The Three Pigs. How Mr. Hitler and Mr. Bin Laden got roped into the pig business, you just have to read the book. The author’s imagination reaches astoundingly wide, both in geography and time, but his cool as-the-matter-of-course tone, combined with his attention to the details and the ability to peace them together to his theory gave his wild plot a peculiar credibility. It is not a shallow fun book that evaporates right after you close the book. Some lines lingered in my mind long after I finished it.


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