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Date Posted: 02:50:20 09/22/14 Mon
Author: Christopher Antony Meade (Laughing a lot)

“I really don’t need this at my time of life. To be locked up in a roman drunk tank is really too shaming. I wouldn’t mind, but I only wanted to enjoy myself at a family wedding. For me, Mary, a respectable widow and the Mother of God, to be dragged away like a common criminal is just too ridiculous. I should never have gone to that marriage feast and I don’t care if I never set foot in that dump Cana again.

Everything was going on quite respectably, until that incident involving turning the water into wine. Me and my big mouth! Why couldn’t I just leave it buttoned for once? Did it matter if the wine had run out? Most of the guests were already half drunk anyway. John the Baptist had already got sick in the corner. I told him that mixing wine with locusts was a bad idea.

So here am I, hung over, lying on the floor in a roman jail, with Jesus snoring in the corner, propped up against the wall. That black eye He has got is going to look really bad for the next week or so.”
How did this come to pass? Find out by reading my new book. Available from Amazon.com and all other Amazon sites.

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