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Date Posted: 03:44:39 10/05/14 Sun
Author: Christopher Antony Meade (Laughing a lot)

When Jesus Christ incarnated into this world, to redeem it, He had two major assets. First he was the Son of God and secondly, in Mary the Mother of God, He had a very special mother. People often forget about Christ’s mother. She must have had a lot to put up with from having a Divine Son. The Blessed Virgin’s road to Paradise can’t have been very smooth, but there must have been a few laughs along the way. This book, Stories from the Life of Christ, by His Mother, tells some stories of Christ’s life from the point of view of his ever-loving, but frequently exasperated, female parent. Much of the humour, that is absent from the Bible, is presented. (Not everything went as smoothly as related in the Good Book).
From the Annunciation to the Crucifixion and beyond, Our Lady must have lived a rollercoaster ride of a life. It can’t have been easy to be the Mother of Christ. (Although having a Son with miraculous powers must have been useful at times).
Laugh and cry with the Mother of God and meet some memorable characters along the way, like Jesus’s dodgy grandmother and less than salubrious relations. There are also some extra miracles that didn’t get mentioned in the Holy Book. This book is here to show episodes in the Life of Jesus Christ in a way not covered in the books of the New Testament and it is a tribute to His Blessed Mother, without whose acquiescence no part of His remarkable life could have happened. We must remember that Mary, as well as being the Mother of the Redeemer, was a human being and was subject to all the frailties and frustrations of any overwrought mother.
This is a book that was written, not to diminish the love we should have for God, but to show that it’s alright, sometimes, to laugh at Him, (or with Him).
If God has a sense of humour, He will love this book. (If not, I hope, His Blessed Mother will put in a word for me).
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