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Date Posted: 09:00:47 10/21/12 Sun
Author: Christopher Anton (Wonderstruck)
Subject: This book deserves a cult following. Not Wikipedia, Facebook or Twitter

This book will surely have a cult following before long. Wikipedia articles and Facebook pages will be dedicated to it by its hordes of fans. Twitter will positively smoke from the volume of tweets devoted to it. The year 2012 will not be remembered for the American election, or even for the much prophesied “End of The World”. Rather it will go down in history as the year a great cult classic was published. Move over George Orwell and Anne Rice. Make room for Christopher Antony Meade.
One of the most pervasive conspiracy theories in the world today is the notion that there is a shadowy organisation called The Illuminati, ruling all behind the scenes. Many books have been written about the influence of these malevolent secret elite, but none describe their history in a way that will have you falling over with laughter. None that is, until “The Zombie, the Cat and Barack Obama” by Christopher Antony Meade exploded on the literary scene.
This book can best be described as a comedy horror/scathing political satire. There are few figures on the international stage that don’t feel the lacerations of the author’s tongue. Characters, as diverse as, Barack Obama, Osama bin Laden and Larry the Downing Street cat are pitilessly lampooned. There is a particularly funny and original explanation of the origins of Barack Obama. The “real story” of how Osama bin Laden met his end is as funny as it is shocking.
There is an Illuminati connection here as well, also in the death of Adolf Hitler. (It is worth reading for the account of the death of the German dictator alone).
I don’t want to give too much away in this short review. I will just say that, if you are the type of person who enjoys laughing at those who claim to be our betters, this is the book you should read. You are guaranteed to fall off your seat from laughing.

Available on Amazon.

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