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Subject: Go Go Go!

Haddock Pastie
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Date Posted: 19:12:07 03/28/03 Fri


I've just about had it with DoD now, and I reckon its time to hang up my MG42. I'm really not enjoying it any more, and the community seems to have pretty much disappeared. Hardly any of the regulars play any more. I've started playing BF1942 and Ravenshield amongst other things which are far superior IMHO. I'm finding DoD too limited, and the age of the engine is really starting to show. It just pi$$es me off now when I play it, and thats the total opposite reason to why I play games.

I can still play Monday if needed, but after that I'm going to leave the clan, its not fair on you lot if I'm not committed. Let me know if you move on to a newer game in the future or start any clans for other games. Its been a pleasure, take it easy all.

Haddock Pastie

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