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Subject: Re: Angosian soldiers v Stormtroopers

capn hayes
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Date Posted: 20:32:32 11/01/02 Fri
Author Host/IP: NoHost/
In reply to: Warspite 's message, "Re: Angosian soldiers v Stormtroopers" on 15:47:51 11/01/02 Fri

>>>According to the episode, they don't emit life signs.
>>>Neither the ships external sensor or the internal
>>>security sensors could detect them. Even the security
>>>cells systems couldn't tell if they were inside the
>>>cell or not. Unless you can come up with something
>>>that SW sensors would detect that ST sensors would
>>>not, AND then prove that the Angosian would emit that
>>>thing, I think claiming SW sensors would detect them
>>>is pretty thin ground.
>>How about motion detectors. Or using oxygen
>>compsumption rates taking into acount how much is
>>being consumed in a given section vs how much should
>>be consumed. or look for differences in clothing
>>texture and material, since they were wearing clothes
>>made with alien material and did breath air. All St
>>sensors are is LFI's, Star Destroyers are CSI labs,
>>hell they might even scan for alien microbes on their
>>skin or clothes, just because they can mask their own
>>lifesigns from trek sensors doesn't mean you can't
>>scan for something else out of the ordinary. We know
>>ISD sensors can use hundreds of different sensors that
>>combine into comscan, so they could look for all of
>>those things I mentioned. Hell we have the technology
>>to scan for stuff like that now, in real life. I say
>>if they wanted to find them they could. The super
>>soldiers wouldn't now what the imps would be looking
>>for, or how to hide. If they had SW camo armor then we
>>could say thy would be able to hide. Jedi's use the
>>Force. I still think they spank stormtroopers in a
>>fight though!
>I agree that you would think that some of these scans
>would be useful. However, there's nothing there that
>the Feds cannot do too. Starfleet sensors are far more
>than lifeform scanners. We have seen them detect
>gases, viruses, materials and all sorts of things. In
>one episode they even got a lock on someone by
>scanning for just the minerals in their skeleton!
>However, despite all these systems, they still
>couldn't detect the Angosian. Also, we know that Star
>Wars scanners are far from perfect too. In Darksaber,
>the Taurill got into one of the Empires most heavily
>guarded vaults, and stole the Death Star plans without
>being detected. In the same book, Callista got aboard
>the SSD Knight Hammer and blew up the engines. In ANH,
>Ben and the other managed to sneak around the Death
>Star without detection for a while. Don't get me
>wrong, Star Wars scanners 'might' be able to detect
>them, but I don't see any proof that they could.

I'm not tring to say Wars sensors are infalable but I was talking about detecting things that have nothing to do with the supersoldiers lifesigns. Also I don't know aboutthat first guy, but Ben is a Jedi, and so is Calista I think, also Star Wars has sensor countermeasures that could help mask them from sensors. The angosians just had normal uniforms as far as I remember. They themselves, could mask their lifesigns from the internal sensors, which is just a LFI program. I was talking about using the sensors to look for other signs, that couldn't be easily masked. Also don't put to much pride in Trek sensors, there are 15,525 substances they can't normally detect "Hollow Pursuits" [TNG]. While I'm sure Star Wars are probably just as limited, just want to point out Trek sensor are also limited, and can be fooled or avoided just like Wars sensors can. A smart sensor operator might look for the things I described above and maybe get lucky, but he would have to be aware of the situation. But if the sensors are more than LFI then they sould have used them to that end. maybe the writers are at fault? or they aren't as imaginative as we are :)

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Re: Angosian soldiers v StormtroopersWarspite23:20:19 11/01/02 Fri

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