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Subject: Re: Romulan - Imperial scenarios

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Date Posted: 09:36:12 11/09/02 Sat
Author Host/IP: ipd54b1cfa.free.wxs.nl/
In reply to: His Divine Shadow (the other one) 's message, "Re: Romulan - Imperial scenarios" on 23:39:15 11/08/02 Fri

>>Actually the exact quote says 'laser battery' rather
>>than 'turbolaser battery'. The beam doesn't look like
>>a standard turbolaser bolt, it travels much faster and
>>lasts a lot longer than a standard turbolaser bolt.
>>AFAIK, there is no mention that the 'laser battery'
>>was modified in any way. Can you provide a quote that
>>says otherwise? If not it probably wasn't a turbolaser
>>as we know it. Either way, it doesn't really have a
>>bearing on standard unmodified turboblaser batteries
>>on normal Imperial ships.
>And you should know a laser does not glow in space,
>like this one did.

The quote does not say it glowed! It doesn't even say it is visible!

>You should also know that I talked to the writer
>several times, Aaron Allston, which confirmed that it
>was a turbolaser.

Can you provide the e-mail script? The implication from the quote is that it was NOT a turbolaser, since it says that it struck with force 'like' a turbolaser.

>>That would seem to conflict with the ranges shown in
>>ANH, why the TIE was in visual range, but still out of
>>weapon range. Of course, these books are set nearly 30
>>years after ANH, so there could have been a range
>>increase. However, that would have to be a serious
>>range increase.
>Err, no, watch the movie again, they didn't start
>shooting until they actually got into the turrets, by
>which time the TIE's have already started shooting,
>then they started shooting back as soon as all the
>systems where up and running(which took like 3-5
>seconds), there's really no possibility for a

Again, you are thinking of the wrong example, I was talking of the first TIE encounter, when they approach the DS. They don't use the turret guns, they use the forward guns and the range is way less than visual. This is confirmed during the escape from Tatooine, where Star Destroyers are clearly visible, but still out of their weapons range. In TESB, the Falcon was clearly in visual range of the SSD but was still out of weapon range.

>>Even if we accept it, that would only give us a range
>>of 600,000-900,000km. Star Trek ships are normally
>>shown as having torpedo ranges up in the millions of
>>kilometers range.
>Thats hardly normal, it's been seen a few times, even
>though this range advantage does not matter alot
>because they can empty their entire torpedoe load and
>not hurt one ship.
>Even if all the torpedoes collective firepower would
>be greater than the shield rating it would not do

It depends on whether you believe the high firepower calcs rally. However, ragrdless, we have seen a SSD have one section of its shields dropped by 80 protons rated at 1.5MT each. A VSD's shield were dropped by just 22 torps.

>>I assume you are refering to the 200GT turbolasers? If
>>so, can you show me a single instance of an explosion
>>of that magnitude occuring from a single turbolaser
>>bolt in either the films or books?
>Oh, Dodonna quote, SSD's being capable of "planetary
>disruption", Nar Shaddaa & Dankyo BDZ, calcs from it
>easily in the 50GT range.

I wouldn't doubt an SSD is capable of 'planetary disruption. If each turbolaser was 'just' 50MT (personally I would rate TLs in 100-200MT range, but I'm just making a point here), and there were 250 turbolasers, the SSD would fire 12.5 GT per salvo. That is plenty to cause massive planetary disruption. If they SSD fires just twice a minute, that would give In fact, just an hours bombardment (say 2 shots a minute) would give 1.5TT, which is probably be more than enough to end most life on a planet.

>The crowning achievment would be this picture though
>of a VSD doing a BDZ:
> >src="http://theforce.net/swtc/Pix/cards/vehicles/044vic

So the answer is no then, since that example is not from a novel or film which is what I asked for. Comics are notorius for over exageration. As Steve Sansweet says:-

"The further one branches away from the movies, the more interpretation and speculation come into play. LucasBooks works diligently to keep the continuing Star Wars expanded universe cohesive and uniform, but stylistically, there is always room for variation. Not all artists draw Luke Skywalker the same way. Not all writers define the character in the same fashion. The particular attributes of individual media also come into play. A comic book interpretation of an event will likely have less dialogue or different pacing than a novel version."

The fact is there are no examples in any of the films or books where explosions are shown of this magnitude. Since films rate about everything, and novels above comics, that is important.

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Re: Romulan - Imperial scenariosHis Divine Shadow (the other one)20:11:58 11/09/02 Sat

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