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Date Posted: 22:28:32 07/04/02 Thu
Author: Shade
Subject: |Fear me|

The silverish dragoness gently slips into the calm river and floats easily on her back. Fiery ooids close, blocking off the view of the burning desert sun. Silver pinions spread out at her sides and effortlessly pull her upstream. She calmly slips out of the river and lays down on the hot sand. Again her ooids close and suddenly the beautiful dragoness's body falls limp. A silverish light surrounds her and then seperates itself from the body of the dragoness. Two hot coals glare out across the land and a silent shriek echos from the shades mouth. A horrific grin covers the silver mist-like dragoness's face and she bolts forward, skimming along the water, sometimes ducking under but leaving the water undisturbed. Orbs glance back to check on her deceased host before she dissapears into a dark shadow...

Several hours later the silverish demon shoots back into the desert flower and hits the limp body head on. The silver dragoness jerks up suddenly and a devilish smirk plays on her features. She spreads her cold stiff wings and lifts off into the air, chest plates not moving with breath as always. She takes to the blue sky high above her valley and warms her cold scales in the hot sun. With a deep sign of pleasure she sinks back to the ground. She hadn't felt this close to alive in decades. This truely was her paradise...

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