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Subject: Re: Fesselballon/ Ballon-Zug

Ryheul Johan
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Date Posted: 10:06:01 07/08/02 Mon
In reply to: frontflieger 's message, "Fesselballon/ Ballon-Zug" on 03:13:17 07/08/02 Mon

Hi !

As far as I remember there were around the beginning of the war 10 Feld Luftschiffer Abteilungen, each concisting of 10 officers, 270 men, a number of horses, 35 vehicles and 1 balloon.

I know that in january 1915 there were 9 units operational at the front, by the end of the year about 40.
A number of these luftschiffer abteilungen had certainly a reserve balloon as there were over 80 balloons in these units.

The number of balloons per unit even increased. If I remember well, in 1916 18 units were sent to the Somme having 50 balloons with them.

Concerning personnel the number will have decreased as more and more became automated, such as bringing the balloon down, originally done with horse.

At the Marine Fesselballon Abteilung numbers were different. I have an operational unit at Blankenberge in February 1915 with 149 men (6 officers, 13 NCO's and 130 men)

However on the 29th August 1916 16 men from the Fesselballon Abteilung at Knokke were moved to Gistel-Zevecote for the formation of a new unit. It looks as if the new units have only about 30 men in total. But this is concerning Marine.

Hope this helps a little.

Best from Johan

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