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Subject: German Naval Air Units at the Western Front 1914-1918

Johan Ryheul
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Date Posted: 05:50:51 11/12/02 Tue


Dear World War One enthousiasts,

We are proud to present you the very first photobook/CD rom of the brandnew World War One series of Regulus One Publishing in Belgium. All text in English only. Printed on glazed paper, 200 gr.

The first book of the series concerns the German naval air units at the Western Front 1914-1918 (so the ones that were active in Flanders) and is compiled by Johan Ryheul, author of Marinekorps Flandern 1914-1918, Flugplatz Jabbeke and of many articles on naval and aerial warfare of WW I for the WFA, but also of a number of articles on archeological sites.

It shows a brief history of all the Marine Feldjasta's, Marine Feldflieger Abteilungen, Seeflugstations Zeebrugge and Ostend, the Kustenflieger Abteilungen, the Marine KEK's, the Marine Schusta's/Schlasta's, Seefrontstaffels, Torpedostaffels,... (used airfields, commanders,...)

Next to this are 112 photo's of which most have never been published before.

One series is very exclusive and shows the famous naval ace Friedrich Christiansen of the Seeflugstation Flandern I attacking the C27 airship, a Curtiss flyingboat over the North Sea, a series of photo's on the attack on the C25 submarine, with the Kaiser, with his pilots, before and after a mission,...

Not only photo's from the pilots and planes of the various units, but also aerial detail photo's of most of the aerodromes.
This makes it also very interesting for modelers who want to build a real or realistic WW I aerodrome !
Including information on a number of personal markings on plane fuselages.

A very unique document in a very unique new series.

The price of this 60 A4 format pages booklet is of 17,5 Euro's.

For the CD rom one pays 15 Euro's.

Postal charges :

Belgium and European Community : surface post 4 Euro's - express delivery 6 Euro's

Eastern Europe, Norway, Switzerland, Greenland, Iceland and Turkey : surface post 5 Euro's - air mail 7.5 Euro's

United States, Canada, Australia and rest of the world : surface 6 Euro's - air mail 9 Euro's

Includes a high protective envelop for the book or CD rom !

Ordering :

You will within two months at least be able to pay with Visa card, however this possibilty is not available yet.

Or by international payment on the following account : 142-0645511-01 of Regulus One Publishing, Eernegemweg 31-33, 8490 Jabbeke, Belgium at the Krediet a/d Nijverheid-Fortis Bank of Jabbeke. We accept no costs for these payments.

Please allow 28 days for delivery.

With kind regards,

Regulus One Publishing

Other books in the World War One series that will be published in the (near) future include :

World War Ones series on the German Marinekorps Flandern :

- The UB and UC submarines from the Flandern Flottilles - should be ready by December (extremely exclusive material)

- The coastal batteries of the Marinekorps Flandern (including the impressive 38 cm guns of Flanders)

- The torpedoboats and destroyers from the Flandern Flottilles (very exclusive, never published photo's)

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