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Date Posted: 02:41:17 06/24/03 Tue
Author: Corin
Subject: Re: Kidnap Completed
In reply to: Jilena 's message, "Re: Kidnap Completed" on 16:55:10 06/23/03 Mon

Corin looked over at the pup and saw her right away.
"Ah ha!"
Corin saw the blind pup trying to crawl away and picked her up and put her in a cubby like crater in the back of the cave. It was too deep to climb out of for her.
"Now you stay put little girl, the rats might think you're a free lunch."
Then he walked over and get her pelt and laid in on her.
"Rest now..eat later."
he said then went back to Shadow's side. "Then lets try then. I think I can handle a bunch of tricky cubs" he said laying next to her.
"Yet we need to keep the Wolf runt here and raise it like it was ours. It would be fun, really imagine the looks on their faces. The wolves would be real hurt their own young. Their flesh and blood hated them with a pure passion. It would be worth it. Then when she's a year old let her live her life as it may. If she comes to visit us great, if not her kind would have a hard time working with her." He stroked her face with his paw.

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