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Date Posted: 21:18:32 07/05/03 Sat
Author: Corin
Subject: Story Time
In reply to: Astra 's message, "Re: Family" on 20:06:58 07/05/03 Sat

"All right honey I'll tell you. It was about three years ago. Way before you where a twinkle in our eyes when we ourselves just became adults. Your mother and I where out hunting with our clan for food. Our home was barren and dry and food was scares. Our clan came to the territory of Black Pines Canyon. It's inhabited by wolves, not very nice ones. We went to hunt on the land because we were starving. Then while your mother and the clan were hunting a wolf by the name frolic came after me. I didn't want to fight I was too weak to do so, so I ran to the clan. Our kind finds safely in numbers. Soon as I reached them they caught a deer and were about to eat and she came and chanced us. We lived and still hungry so we hunted while the wolves sleep.
. Years later you mother and I had a litter, and you where in it. That wolf came back to hunt us down. Your mother grabbed you and started to move your 11 other siblings. Frolic came and I fought to protect my babies, but she over powered me and knocked my out. Next I knew they where all dead." Corin wanted to cry and looked like it to. "Your mother was all tears as she screamed lookin gat all of them covered in blood." he shook his head.

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