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Date Posted: 21:55:44 08/09/02 Fri
Author: Adrian Foxx
Subject: Might as well.
In reply to: Adrian Foxx 's message, "Acceptance? Hardly.." on 21:21:25 08/09/02 Fri

Adrian then steels his resolve. He walks over to Skaroe, taking Sabine from her arms, nudging her aside and resting the shortly-dead lady out on the ground.

"This is a little procedure that was perfected in my time... Reviving without magic..."

He kneels beside Sabine's body and tilts her head back, lightly rubbing her throat. He then inhales deeply and lowers his head, pressing his lips to hers, pushing the oxygen-carbon dioxide mix into her lungs. He then pulls back and presses both hands to ehr chest, one atop the other, administering five quick, forceful thrusts upwards.

"One... Two... Three... Four... Five..."

He lowers his head again, tilting it to the side, ear over her mouth... then proceeds to breathe again into her, repeating the five thrusts. He does this multiple times, hoping to God that it works, his brow beginning to sweat as he attempts the revival...

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