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Date Posted: 18:59:54 08/10/02 Sat
Author: Daine Sarrasri
Subject: .book.worm.

After the whole 'creature in closet' incident, she was quick to find sacntuary within the castle's vast library.[(if it didnt have one, it should have, and now it does.-rawr-)]

Seated at a table, she skims through a book written about botany within Guardia's vast lands. A rather boring read to the average person, but she found it soothing to have new information to learn about. There was quite a lot that only was found within the lands.

Sitting back within her seat, she sighs quietly, looking around her. There was only one other person there, which looked to be an advisor scribing something within a tome. Records, most likely. She takes of her spectacles, placing them upon the open pages of the book, and rubs the bridge of her nose, wondering what else could be found out within the large collection of leather-bound books and tomes.
[(-dies of heat exhaustion, scuse babble techness-)]

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