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Date Posted: 11:51:32 08/17/02 Sat
Author: .awakening..I think not.
Subject: Sabine Dulmare

silence...cold, dark, empty silence...downward...farther...spinning...black...light ahead, but how could this be, she had been spiraling down for so long into the murky bowels of this endless pit..how can there be light at the bottem? Twisting adn reaching, she nears the light..The light eminates from a silver chalice in the middle of a web, spiderlike in origin..flecks of onyx and ebony and obsidian as well as all the minor stones are woven into the strands... Blood surrounds her, dripping from the walls. Eyes widen insomething akin to fear as iris focus 'pon the chalice, watching as it shatters into a thousand peices, the shards flying into despaired landscape, swamplike in its 'archetecture'...now engress the Twisted Kingdom.

Outside her window, an ebon huen hawk perches, saffron oculi locked 'pon the still comalike Sabine...Etihw screeches rage and despair before winging off to the stables..The balance has shifted.

pat pat pat...the rain falls down, a steady drizzle for now..dulcet melodies are played 'pon the winds flute, liquid crystals making the orchestra. Bay mare drapes chisled head over stall door, one listener swiveled back, eyelids drooping forth, the rain lulling delicate destrier to sleep...above, under the gentle onslaught of the rain a hawk wings, spiraling down...farther down before winging into the stable to perch 'pon Halgiz's stall door. Etihw opens wicked beak, skreeing something to Halgiz..the sound peircing in its greif to whomever is within range to hear it. Etihw clicks angrily as Halgiz rears up before the call has even come to its end. Kicks and squeels of illcontained anger eminate from the mares stall, the beast seeming to have gone quite mad..

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