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Date Posted: 14:57:10 09/01/02 Sun
Author: Adrian Foxx
Subject: Not again...

"Sir, you can't be serious."

"I am perfectly serious, Strathen. Prepare the Pred-Alien for quantum travel."

The scientist, the same one that sent the Facehugger to kill Adrian, stands infront of the quantum singularity chamber. The wall opens up, and a huge tank, containing a massive half-Xenomorph half-Predator hybrid, is moved out and onto the platform. The beast within stares at the humans populating the test chamber, letting out a low, feral growl at the men. The massive beast, easily one and a half times as tall as a human and thrice as bulky, pounds on the unyielding glass, then hisses and looks up, watching the conical formations of the machine begin to spin around and around. The scientist stands back, narrowing his eyes.

"Kill that damn bastard Adrian, Xenomorph," he whispers, then nods to a man behind a console.

The creature yells out in reply, probably a yell of defiance, before energy bolts contact it's body. A wormhole opens up within the holding cylinder, and when it vanishes, so does the Pred-Alien, back in time.

Adrian grumbles to himself, lightly rubbing his still-sore wrist, weeks having passed since he recieved the blow. He brushes lightly at his suit, sighing softly, and cracks his neck, looking about.

"... I wonder where Skaroe is..."

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