>New Humanitarian Funding Program :
>50% Can be Provided as a Grant!
>The following is a statement from our financing source
>on this program:
>We are proud to announce our ability to raise funds
>for Humanitarian Projects located in Developing
>Nations worldwide. Up to maximum 50% funds can be
>provided as a Grant and the balance of funds as a soft
>loan. Projects can be considered for Humanitarian
>Funding would include the following:
>Hospitals & Health related projects
>Urban & Rural Infrastructures Development
>Urban & Rural Power Generation and Distribution
>Water & Sewage, Irrigation
>Agricultural & Foods related projects
>Transportations (Railways, Ports-Wharf etc)
>Low Cost Affordable Housing
>Any projects that create employment opportunities,
>increase communities’ standards of living and increase
>productivities and assist to boost country’s GDP,
>could be considered as a Humanitarian Project for
>Governments or private entrepreneurs may seek this
>Humanitarian Project Funding. Following are the terms
>and conditions of funding for Humanitarian Projects:
>1. Borrower should submit Loan Application along with
>project executive summary and information about the
>bank instrument to be used as collateral.
>2. We will review loan application and project
>summary, if project meets our Humanitarian Funding
>criteria then we will confirm our willingness to
>provide required funds. Specific Grant amount and loan
>terms & conditions will be determined upon review of
>the loan application and project executive summary.
>3. Minimum project cost & funding request should be US
>$ 150 million, no maximum limit.
>4. Borrower should able to provide acceptable
>Financial Instrument (Bank Guarantee, Standby Letter
>of Credit, Bank Promissory Notes, MTN, Central Bank
>Guarantee, Global Govt. Bonds) to secure the repayment
>of the loan.
>5. The guarantee should cover the principal loan
>amount plus interest. The amount what will be granted
>as a grant is not required to refund as such the grant
>amount can be deducted from the total loan amount
>(interest plus principal) which borrower supposed to
>repay, guarantee should cover only the repayable loan
>amount (after deducted the grant).
>6. Funds will be released to the borrower by phases in
>several tranches as per project implementation
>schedules. The first tranche can be released within 30
>to 45 days of receipt of acceptable and authentic
>financial instrument (guarantee).
>A company or entrepreneur seeking Joint-Venture
>investment or Humanitarian Project funding is required
>to submit project executive summary including brief
>financial feasibility and information about the
>Financial Instrument to determine whether or not we
>will consider the funding request for further
>Firm Offer:
>Funding terms & conditions are only offered after
>review of the Loan Application and relevant documents
>as required by us.
>Funding terms & conditions may vary from case to case
>and from one time to the next.
>Funding Offer valid for maximum 60 banking days
> The contents of this funding profile are for
>informational purposes only and are not be construed
>as an offer or solicitation.
>Funding terms and conditions may vary time to time and
>may change without notice; the profile does not
>contain all of the applicable terms. Funding criteria
>may have to be adjusted from time to time in
>accordance with the latest international financial
>situation and I.C.C. latest revision, as such we
>reserve the right to change any funding terms &
>conditions at any time if necessary. Clients and
>agents are advised to check with us from time to time
>for latest updated terms and conditions.
>If you are able to comply with the above terms and
>conditions, please indicate reference number HPF when
>contacting us.
>Ken Heller
>International Commerce Facilitator
>Tel. (595) 981-960-456
>Fax (1) 240-536-3267
>Email: kenheller@fastmail.fm