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Date Posted: 23:22:54 09/06/04 Mon
Author: shelterlink2003
Subject: Re: New Humanitarian Financing Program: 50% can be provided as a grant!
In reply to: Sam KOMBORA 's message, "Re: New Humanitarian Financing Program: 50% can be provided as a grant!" on 03:19:51 02/22/04 Sun

Dear Sir/Madam,
THis is a non profit making organisation in kenya.We are working purely in violence agaist women.We need any possible assistance to assist these women that are in pain on legal amd health issues.We are also planning to have a small micro-finance for our members to generate some small income.We are therefore ready to provide you withnmore information if may be required by your organisation.We hope for your cooperation.
george okello
TEL 0254-2-210340/0254-721-926449
>>New Humanitarian Funding Program :
>>>50% Can be Provided as a Grant!
>>>The following is a statement from our financing
>>>on this program:
>>>We are proud to announce our ability to raise funds
>>>for Humanitarian Projects located in Developing
>>>Nations worldwide. Up to maximum 50% funds can be
>>>provided as a Grant and the balance of funds as a
>>>loan. Projects can be considered for Humanitarian
>>>Funding would include the following:
>>>Hospitals & Health related projects
>>>Urban & Rural Infrastructures Development
>>>Urban & Rural Power Generation and Distribution
>>>Water & Sewage, Irrigation
>>>Agricultural & Foods related projects
>>>Transportations (Railways, Ports-Wharf etc)
>>>Low Cost Affordable Housing
>>>Any projects that create employment opportunities,
>>>increase communities’ standards of living and
>>>productivities and assist to boost country’s GDP,
>>>could be considered as a Humanitarian Project for
>>>Governments or private entrepreneurs may seek this
>>>Humanitarian Project Funding. Following are the terms
>>>and conditions of funding for Humanitarian Projects:
>>>1. Borrower should submit Loan Application along with
>>>project executive summary and information about the
>>>bank instrument to be used as collateral.
>>>2. We will review loan application and project
>>>summary, if project meets our Humanitarian Funding
>>>criteria then we will confirm our willingness to
>>>provide required funds. Specific Grant amount and
>>>terms & conditions will be determined upon review of
>>>the loan application and project executive summary.
>>>3. Minimum project cost & funding request should be
>>>$ 150 million, no maximum limit.
>>>4. Borrower should able to provide acceptable
>>>Financial Instrument (Bank Guarantee, Standby Letter
>>>of Credit, Bank Promissory Notes, MTN, Central Bank
>>>Guarantee, Global Govt. Bonds) to secure the
>>>of the loan.
>>>5. The guarantee should cover the principal loan
>>>amount plus interest. The amount what will be granted
>>>as a grant is not required to refund as such the
>>>amount can be deducted from the total loan amount
>>>(interest plus principal) which borrower supposed to
>>>repay, guarantee should cover only the repayable loan
>>>amount (after deducted the grant).
>>>6. Funds will be released to the borrower by phases
>>>several tranches as per project implementation
>>>schedules. The first tranche can be released within
>>>to 45 days of receipt of acceptable and authentic
>>>financial instrument (guarantee).
>>>A company or entrepreneur seeking Joint-Venture
>>>investment or Humanitarian Project funding is
>>>to submit project executive summary including brief
>>>financial feasibility and information about the
>>>Financial Instrument to determine whether or not we
>>>will consider the funding request for further
>>>Firm Offer:
>>>Funding terms & conditions are only offered after
>>>review of the Loan Application and relevant documents
>>>as required by us.
>>>Funding terms & conditions may vary from case to case
>>>and from one time to the next.
>>>Funding Offer valid for maximum 60 banking days
>>> The contents of this funding profile are for
>>>informational purposes only and are not be construed
>>>as an offer or solicitation.
>>>Funding terms and conditions may vary time to time
>>>may change without notice; the profile does not
>>>contain all of the applicable terms. Funding criteria
>>>may have to be adjusted from time to time in
>>>accordance with the latest international financial
>>>situation and I.C.C. latest revision, as such we
>>>reserve the right to change any funding terms &
>>>conditions at any time if necessary. Clients and
>>>agents are advised to check with us from time to time
>>>for latest updated terms and conditions.
>>>If you are able to comply with the above terms and
>>>conditions, please indicate reference number HPF when
>>>contacting us.
>>>Ken Heller
>>>International Commerce Facilitator
>>>Tel. (595) 981-960-456
>>>Fax (1) 240-536-3267
>>>Email: kenheller@fastmail.fm

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