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Date Posted: 13:50:17 09/18/04 Sat
Author: Michael Lambert
Subject: Re: New Humanitarian Financing Program: 50% can be provided as a grant!
In reply to: Mohamud Ahmed Osman 's message, "Re: New Humanitarian Financing Program: 50% can be provided as a grant!" on 00:27:37 09/19/03 Fri

I started a company called,
"Languages & The Utah Food Bank." There are hundreds of food banks throughout the U.S. that can also benefit from this program if I can get it successful here in Salt Lake City, Utah. What it involves is teaching 14 languages: Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai, Tagalog, Russian, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and any of these into English. Classes are held in local restaurants which match the language as much as possible: Chinese in Chinese restaurants; Japanese in Japanese restaurants; Thai in Thai, Spanish in Mexican restaurants, etc. A student purchases his dinner (which gives us the location because we bring customers to the restaurant on a regular basis and they like that!), and also brings 10 food items per class, and pays $10.00 tuition per class. There is also a textbook fee.

The Salt Lake Tribune Newspaper ran a story on us, but it has not generated good response. Perhaps very few people actually read the story? Also, the saying that people have to see an ad 7 times to respond? Anyway, we need TV exposure. With $2000.oo we could make a simple TV commercial and run it a couple times a week. We have a very dynamic speaker to represent us on TV and radio.

This is a very wonderful humanitarian program, and it could not only help lots of people but also be very lucrative. I pay my teachers $5.00 per student per class. I keep $5.00 per student per class. With 14 languages offered, 100 students per night = $500.00 a night. 1000 students = $5000.00, etc.

You should fund this! Food banks around the United States can benefit from this program!

Also, I run a website:


Fund the languages, and we can raise money to fund

OR, fund HelpTheBabies.org!

OR, fund them both!!!

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