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Date Posted: 14:04:54 01/24/07 Wed
Author: Luc
Subject: His little sister was one of his favorite people in the world, even though he knew all of her faults. She reminded him a lot of their mom and a bit of their dad too, though right now he was a little unhappy with his father. He didn't want to be the one to bring this up to Lia because Luc Sr. hated to be the bad guy more than anything. So, here he was, sitting down at the table across from his baby sister, his eyes across the room on his toddler son Giovanni, who was now almost two and a half and his baby girl Margherita, who was six months old and full of gibberish. "Hey bella..." He murmured, grabbing the syrup to pour all on his syrup.
In reply to: Lia 's message, "The tables are turning..." on 14:04:19 01/24/07 Wed

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  • She was still sulking and pouting her full lips softly as her big brother came in, he was usually on her side on these things... maybe he could talk their papa round "Luc... can you please tell papa I'm allowed to not go? Just this once? I swear I'll come to every stupid event after this and kiss all the wrinkly old ladies cheeks and even wear a calf length dress.... but please can I go to the dance? jason conners asked me... and he's a senior and he's totally hot." She begged, her eyes pleading. She knew she wasn;t the perfect italian daughter- she cursed when her father couldn't hear and she flirted and stayed out late and snuck around and answered back and totally didn;t go to confession every week, but she was just a typical seventeen year old girl trying to get through high school. (NT) -- Lia, 14:14:33 01/24/07 Wed
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