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Date Posted: 20:53:10 04/07/06 Fri
Author: A
Subject: Red Glowing eyes (Rowan Co/Morgan Co border)

I would like to know if anyone has has a similar experience in KY...

A few years ago, my husband and I were hiking near Cave Run Lake near the Morgan County/ Rowan County border. It was late evening, so it was dark before we made our way back to the car. We were already about five to seven miles off the main road, parked at the end of a gravel road. We were maybe a mile away from the car when we noticed something standing in the middle of the trail about ten feet in front of us. All we could see were glowing red eyes. It was not large, maybe a foot and a half tall. It was so dark we could not make out any specific form. We stopped and stared at the thing for several minutes, not moving. Suddenly, it went straight up in the air and I suppose it landed on a tree branch above where it was standing. It did this without making any sound whatsoever.

I figure that this is what some people consider the Mothman. I personally do not believe in the Mothman-- but I know what I saw, and whatever it was, I feel could be what people are CALLING the Mothman.

I just wanted to share this in case anyone else has had similar experiences and would like to tell me about them.

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