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Date Posted: 15:11:49 11/06/06 Mon
Author: D (KY tale Keeper)
Subject: Re: the goatman of the truffles and four winds farms in louisville
In reply to: bmanley 's message, "the goatman of the truffles and four winds farms in louisville" on 22:17:32 12/21/02 Sat

The real legend of the goatman is that if you go on top of the trussels, a train will come from the left side and the goatman stands on the right which presents iminent death. you either stay on the track and get run over by the ghost train or you run to the other side where the goatman breaks every bone in your body, eats your flesh, and throws your body down in the shallow creek below. many retarded teenagers have gone up there and the goatman never fails to appear- they all jumped off rather than to face him or the train. last year before high school graduation, my friends and I jumoed into my car and rode out there. we didnt see anything so we decided to head back to town, as soon as my car turned around, the engine stopped and goatman appeared right in the center of the bridge we ran and came to get my car 2 weeks later

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